"Come visit my lands, Otohime," Irtysh urged. He and Otohime had somehow managed to establish a long-distance communication capability, possibly because of their family connection, even though it was not by blood. Few knew how these things worked, not even Ryuujin. So much, he was wont to point out, had been lost. Otohime blamed him, mostly, but all the other old dragons, too, for stagnating and letting all that knowledge slip away. Renko with her adventurous nature and inventive spirit had much to offer their species, Otohime thought. She sat on the edge of Mt. Fuji's caldera and surveyed the tops of the clouds surrounding her. She wondered if Irtysh liked clouds.
"Come stay in my caverns in the Altai, high in the mountains, with lakes and rivers, trees and peaks. I can show you the art in my salt caves." Irtysh's voice took on a wheedling tone. "I will show you all my jewels. You will like them, I promise. You can even roll in them."