"Lady Noriko?"
The voice was the rich warmed honey tone of the Dragon Queen, but the sound was gentler than Noriko had ever heard it. Rizantona lacked a Wishing Rock; she claimed she had her own ways around that lack, but her voice surrounded Noriko with a nearly soporific vibration. Alone in her dojo, between classes, Noriko had finished her own workout and now settled next to the warmth of the Chinese stove with a pot of tea and a periodical that had just arrived. She bowed as deeply as the Queen's rank demanded but, as usual, was uncertain of the correct direction.
"Good morning, your majesty." Rizantona was suspiciously calm. That worried Noriko. Her majesty was prone to flaming first and talking later.
"I think you may not know that Renko-hime is gone."
"I knew she was not here, your majesty," Noriko admitted. "I did not know that was cause for concern."