Chapter 24: The Beginning 


"We found her Gavran," I said, coming through the towering trees of the black forest to join the rest of the pack. Nick was behind me. "She's not going to be a problem tomorrow night. She won't be active. It'll be easy to deal with her." After a few hours of listening to the Benandanti's voice outside of her house, we'd found out her plans for tomorrow.

"Why, in the name of Balthazar, didn't you inform me sooner?" Gavran told me calmly. Normally, in situations where our ways didn't satisfy him, he would've raised his voice more than an octave, or pinned us with his black glare. But he hadn't done any of that, even if the look on his face told me he'd been waiting desperately for some smoke signal from our part. The reason? We'd brought good news, really good news, and that lessened his displeasure greatly.

"I thought it was better to not disturb you and let you focus on the Keeper," I explained. "I know how difficult it is to do both."