The train doors opened for the Newark Airport and an Asian couple in their mid-sixties boarded.They sat down across from the friends on the last two available seats.The man reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a tri-fold brochure titled "Big Things!Big Sites, Big Apple!"
His wife, clung to their two pieces of mismatched rolling luggage.She had pulled the small hard plastic red carry-on case while he lugged the oversized brown and black flannel-covered suitcase.The woman gripped them both and kept a leery eye for thieves, arms wrapped around the thin plastic handles.
A sea of red jerseys boarded the train and the basketball fans now outnumbered the commuters and on-the-towners.
Melina looked up from the phone, realizing for the first time just how crowded the train had become.With the seats taken, passengers stood in the aisles and surrounded the friends.
"Two more stops and we're there," she said.