Chapter 47: An Arabesque of Motley, Part 47


July, 2009


My suspicion that one of the guys in the hot tub was an off-duty cop was indirectly confirmed the next day. One of my friends and regular tennis partners - the cop's brother in law - called in the early afternoon to ask me to hit. When I got to the court he told me the news that "your girlfriend" had gotten it on with two guys in a hot tub. He presumed I didn't know. The odds are that only one of the tubbers would have known it that fast, and that only someone who knew that this gentleman knew me would have made it a priority to tell him. I'm not sure I'd have wanted to tell anyone something like that so quickly and bluntly, but had I not known what I already knew, I would have wanted to know it quickly and bluntly. I know my friend was looking out for me.