"Ah, solitary reading," Pit said, holding back the eagerness from his voice. "That's an activity I'm rather familiar with. Father didn't have much nice to say, and Mother made me relive every awful word, plus a few of her own. So I stayed in the library every afternoon from when I was six, or I took my books to the gardens or the tower. I suppose now that I think about it, it's a little odd no one questioned the six-year-old devouring Helmund."
Ravenna's ears swiveled forward. "A personal favorite," she said with a soft woof. "Though, not until I was fifteen."
"Well. I was never a typical kid." The back of Pit's ear itched something fierce, and he plopped down to scratch it-canine conversational protocol be damned. He noticed that his tail no longer throbbed. "Speaking of reading, can you recommend anything good to read in the standard HUD database? I-don't really feel like reading the news. It's so depressing these days."
"What do you like to read? Be specific, please."