Pit found himself strangely drawn to Minna, though again, like with Ravenna, it didn't seem sexual. This was old, old blood hearing the snarl of just-younger blood, respecting that snarl and the angry beast that came with it.
This was a dog called to the side of a human.
Pit made up his mind and moved nearer. "Get those radios on us, Minna." He was back in military mode, unflappable, in command.
He told himself he was better off giving orders and doing this his way. He ignored the insistent voice that said, You don't have a say in what way this is happening.
It was just a survival instinct.
Minna pinched the tiny devices onto the loose skin just above their shoulder blades and led them out of the hotel without another word. Pit trotted at her heels, marveling at the confidence in the young woman's walk. She strutted as if she knew where she was going and exactly what she would find when she arrived.
He admired that in a person.