When Canum was first discovered, just a few years before the war began in earnest, it was significant because of its unexhausted fruit-bearing forests. The planet slogan was literally, "Go Tinanas for Canum." Someone back on Old Earth had taken one look at the tiny plantain-like harvest that was Canum's claim to fame and pronounced them tiny bananas. The name had mutated and then stuck: tinanas, squishy little sugar bombs, were instantly popular the galaxy over.
Canum is mostly covered in lush, green, unending farmland and the acres upon acres of tinana tree jungles. The tinanas fluff their narrow, flat leaves to provide cover for an endless display of wildlife; some were planted by time and weather, some cultivated by humans. All bear heavy loads of the galaxy's most popular fruit.
~ "Our Worlds: A Human Child's Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy," published in 2561