"OW!" the person said too, in a high, breathy voice, spilling over Pit's back.
Pit flopped over hard. His vision filled with tiny sparks and he blinked furiously, trying to recalibrate his HUD and his limbs. His shoulder and tail kicked in and flipped him upright, spinning him awkwardly to face his attacker.
His "attacker" proved to be a little girl, ten or eleven, both palms pressed to a spot above her left eye. Her right eye, golden-brown and filled with tears, bored into Pit with impressive outrage.
The outrage faded to remorse and then to pain, and then the girl squeezed her eye shut. "Owwww," she moaned, taking her high voice to a low register that resonated in Pit's skull and jerked him out of his attack stance.
Straight into a protective stance.
"Oh, hey, kid, I'm sorry," he said, leaning forward so his center of gravity shifted over his front feet but his face wasn't alarmingly close to the child. "Guess I was in your way."