
Chapter 41

The wind seemed to be lessening, but Pit didn't trust a true visual, not with this monotonous grit. The HUD confirmed his suspicions, however: the gusts were losing speed and coming more irregularly now. He dropped a mental marker for Certainty on the map. He didn't want to leave the once-shiny ship without at least giving her a chance to take him back off this hellhole of a planet.

Ravenna quickly led them to a narrow, switchbacking path carved into the plateau wall. Pit went second, trailing the Koolie by only a few inches. He was glad for the face shield, certain he'd be sneezing like crazy from Ravenna's fluffy tail hairs.

Minna came behind him, sometimes reaching down to touch the base of his tail when she wasn't sure she was going the right way. Fionn took the rear, hobbling slowly, watching behind and above for attackers.