Pit gazed down at Ravenna, who tipped her ears towards him and slackened her jaw in a half-laugh.
"You were chuckling," she said.
"Just remembering 'Our Ship Has Four Crew.' How gods-awful that story was."
"Ha! Ohh, yes, yes it was. Perhaps the worst I've read, and I've read, err...a few." Ravenna flattened her ears and looked guilty. Then she suddenly looked up at Pit. "So-are you happy with what you chose?" she asked in a breathless rush, shy again.
Pit found he was wringing his hands without realizing it. He forced them to rest at his sides. "Yeah," he said, as serious as he could be. "Yeah. I think so. I mean-there's so much to do. I get overwhelmed in this body a lot... Must be the leftover puberty."
Ravenna was staring at him with a mix of awe and skepticism. "Do you...do you ever miss being the beagle-basset?"
Pit weighed her question carefully. "No," he said, and then quickly, when her face fell, "I don't miss being Horus. But I do miss being Dog sometimes."