Chapter 46

After they left the hospital, they drove to their hotel. Come to find out, Grayson had already made reservations at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. She had always dreamed of staying there but had never thought she ever would.

Ari had her life as a college student in New York, and her life as a princess as the wife of a prince in Estrea. Now, her two worlds were beginning to meet.

The next morning, she got up early to see her mother, not bothering to call. She wasn’t sure how her mother would receive her, so she needed to see her in person. After all, she had left with little explanation at a time when her mother and sister needed her the most. Now, it was time to face the music.

But she was glad that seeing Henley had went so well. As a result, Ari had slept better that night than she had in a very long time, more at peace with her decision. Now, she just hoped her mother felt the same way.