“Would you like a drink?” Grayson asked. He and Xavier were alone in the parlor at the castle. Their father was out, and Quinn was at a photoshoot.
“It’s only twelve-thirty in the afternoon!” Xavier chuckled. “Besides, I thought you’d given up drinking.” He crossed the room, picked up a glass from the bar, and turned it upright.
“In the immortal words of Jimmy Buffet, it’s five o’clock somewhere.” Grayson laughed. “I slowed down, but I never said I stopped.” Grayson sighed, pouring them both a Scotch on the rocks. “But this is the first drink I’ve had since Ari left.”
“Well, she didn’t exactly leave....” Xavier corrected.
Grayson sighed. “No, not like that. Since she went to visit her family.” He handed Xavier a drink and they both sat in opposite brown leather club chairs. Xavier clinked his glass with Grayson’s.
Xavier took a drink and then looked at his brother. “So, anything new in the investigation?”
“Why do you ask?”