Chapter 91

When Grayson walked in the door to Henley’s hospital room a few minutes later, Ari smiled when she saw him. Then she crossed the room, closing the space between them, and gave him a kiss.

“How’s Henley feeling?” Grayson asked, feeling bad for having stepped out for a moment, but it was necessary.

Ari sighed. “She’s not herself yet, but at least the nausea is better.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it.” Grayson thought that this was probably not the right time, but he knew they would be going back to Estrea soon, so he had no choice. “I need to speak with you about something.”

“Okay.” A crease formed between her eyes as she nodded. “Mom, we’ll be right out in the hallway for just a minute.”

Celeste nodded. “Take your time.”

Ari walked out and Grayson followed. She walked down the hallway and then turned and folded her arms across her chest. “What’s up?”

“I wanted to speak to you first before we speak to your mother, of course.”
