Chapter 105

Ari let Grayson lead her from the room a few minutes later. “Well, I’m glad that Marcus is being detained, at least. It’d be better if we had enough concrete proof to arrest him outright, though.”

Grayson nodded. “Yes, but you just about scared me to death back there. Why didn’t you leave the room when I asked you to?”

“I think it’s about time we start working together.” Ari sighed, heading up the stairs to their bedroom. “Don’t you?”

At the top of the stairs, Grayson pulled her into his arms. “Well, it just depends upon what you’d like to work together doing.”

Ari laughed, hitting him playfully on the arm. “Well, you know I always want to work together with that.” She sighed. “But seriously, you’ve been investigating along with the authorities, and no concrete evidence has turned up to prove that anyone is involved at all, let alone the killers.” She shrugged. “I just thought it’s be nice to work together.”