Chapter 114

Ari woke to bright sunshine streaming in through the window. It was nearing Valentine’s Day and Ari hoped that they had seen the last of the snow for the winter. But it wasn’t spring yet, so they could still be in for another good snowfall.

“Morning.” She rolled over and said to Grayson. She loved watching him sleep, but he was already awake, watching her. He stroked a stray piece of hair carefully away from her face.

“Morning, love,” he replied. “How did you sleep?”

She nodded, smiling. “Good.” She rose from the bed and slipped into her robe.

“Where are you going?” He reached for her but missed. He pouched out his lip like a child who didn’t get his way. “I thought we could have some alone time together.”

Ari smiled, already headed for the bathroom. “Vickie and I are going to start working on Henley’s House today.” She turned on the shower, leaving the door open.