
Chapter 42: Cyclops

We walked across the cloud covered sand. I kept the sun to our left as we walked. It didn't slip lower on the horizon. Instead, it just hung at the edge casting its golden rays across the clouds. The sky above lit in the most beautiful pinks and purples while the clouds in the distance were rimmed with golden edges.

Eventually, a mountain of clouds grew before us. I walked with determined steps with my guardian angel at my side. When the mountain loomed ahead, a rectangular entrance into the mountain glowed. I shot Angandriel a look, but his face remained stoic. The clouds swirled away from my feet as I walked.

When I finally stood beneath the threshold, I breathed in sharply. The doorway was so far above my head. It looked like it was an entrance for giants. I cast another look at Angandriel, but he just walked through like it was no big deal. I wondered if Heaven looked like this and he was used to seeing things like it.