The Alpha's Protection

Julien paced back and forth outside the ladies’ room waiting for Lacey and growled at anyone who came near the door. Lacey had enough and didn't need any more problems tonight.

Why on earth would Brock do such a thing? He had been loyal all these years, but when Lacey came to the castle, it was as if he had lost his mind. Julien guessed he had himself to blame for that.

Julien had to admit that he hadn't treated Lacey with much respect since she arrived. Well, since they were pledged. He had been trying to figure everything out in his head but had left her to fend for herself against the pack. His pack. Now her pack. And he wasn't about to have his pack think it was okay to treat his future mate with disrespect. Julien knew he had a lot to sort out, but he vowed not to take it out on Lacey.

In the past, he had many women and never gave it a second thought. But if he ever slept with Lacey, she would claim him, body and soul, whether intentionally or not. When he gave his heart, it would be forever. But he had already given his heart to someone else long ago. His heart was no longer his to give. No, keeping his distance was his best bet with Lacey… for now.

Soon, the door opened, and Lacey stepped out, smoothing her hands over her silver dress. "I'm so sorry, Julien. I never—"

"Ssshhhh...." Julien took her hand and held her close. "Are you okay?”

She nodded as he released her. “Yes, I’m fine.”

From the way her hands were trembling, he could tell that she was far from fine. “We can talk about it later." He held her hands, listening to her heart pounding. After a moment, her heart rate began to slow, but her breathing quickened, arousing his wolf. It was clear that she wanted him, and his wolf wanted her, but could he give her his heart? With her, there could be no other way.

Pulling back and looked into her eyes, one corner of his lips curled into a mischievous grin. "If you’re okay, I thought we could dine together."

She nodded, giving him an awkward smile. “That was very thoughtful.”

“I have my moments.” He smirked, tilting his head to the side. "Feel better?"

“Yes, thank you."

"Ready to eat?"

She nodded. "Are you sure you want to... after this?"

He nodded. "Let's not let one incident ruin our night." Then he held up his arm. "Shall we?" When she took his arm, an electric shock ran through his body, taking him by surprise.

Julien led her to the small, intimate dining room, eager to see her reaction as he brought her in.

"Oh, wow!" she said, her eyes wide.

Julien had arranged everything with Chef Mastrano earlier in the day, and the chef had done an exquisite job. Candles were lit all down the center of the table, and fine porcelain with a delicate blue floral pattern was set at two places kitty-corner from each other.

"Good evening," Chef Mastrano said, giving them a slight bow, standing beside a small, silver cart covered with a white tablecloth. A burner set on the top, keeping their meal warm. "Tonight, for your dining pleasure, I have prepared a special meal of roasted lobster tails with my own special blend of garlic butter, along with garlic mashed potatoes, specially prepared green beans, and then Creme Brulee and Cherries Jubilee, served over my special handmade ice cream, for desert." He folded his hands in delight. "Shall we begin?"

Julien looked over at Lacey, raising an eyebrow, one corner of his lips raising into a smile.

A huge smile spread across Lacey's face. "Yes! By all means."

Throughout the meal, Julien found that he enjoyed her wit, just as much as her beauty. She was funny, smart, and clever. He wondered why her family never saw it in her.

Halfway through the meal, Julien laid his fork down beside his plate. "Lacey, I don't want to ruin the meal or the lovely evening, but what happened with Brock tonight?" He hated to take the chance of ruining the evening, but he had to know.

She sighed, and then took a sip of her wine. "Brock came on to me earlier today. Then tonight when he saw me, he grabbed me." She sighed. "I'm not sure what happened." Tears filled her eyes as she looked up to him. "But I swear to you that I never said or did anything that would give him the slightest idea that I would even be remotely interested."

Julien nodded. "Yes. I heard you both earlier." Then he took her hand. "And I was very proud of you for turning him down."

Lacey nodded. "You aren't going to leave Brock in the dungeon too long, are you?"

"Why?" Julien immediately dropped her hands and narrowed his eyes.

Lacey shrugged. “I don’t want anyone to suffer because of me.”

Julien nodded, understanding. His first instinct was to think that she wanted him. But then he realized how ridiculous it sounded. If she wanted him, she would have reciprocated his advances, and not fought him off.

“Are you ready for desert?” Chef Mastrano asked.

Julien looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.

Lacey looked up at the chef and smile. “Yes, please.”

They are desert in companionable silence, but Julien kept stealing glances at her. Finally, he asked, “What are you thinking about?”

Lacey smiled. “I was just thinking about how wonderful tonight is and… oh… never mind.”

Julien set down his fork and held her hand. “No. Please, tell me.”

She sighed and then looked into his eyes. “I wish it could be like this… between us… all the time.”

He nodded, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. “So do I.” Then he reached over and pressed his lips lightly to hers, unable to resist. It was a chaste kiss, but one filled with so much passion and promise. When he pulled back, she smiled.

After they finished their desert, she lightly patted her lips. "Thank you, Julien, for a lovely meal, but I—"

"May I see you to your room?” he asked, rising quickly to his feet.

Lacey nodded and then took his arm, letting him escort her out. They said nothing on the way up the stairs and stopped outside her room a few moments later.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening,” he said, his voice husky.

"I had a wonderful time."

“I’m glad.” Then he took her hand, biting his lower lip. “May I kiss you?”

She nodded, smiling. “Yes.”

It was only one word but carried with it so much meaning. He placed his hands on her shoulders and then pulled her close as his lips descended up hers in a passionate kiss. Then his wolf responded with want. Julien worked to keep his wolf in check.

When Julien pulled back a moment later, her mouth was open slightly, and he could see the want in her eyes, too. Unable to resist, he placed his hand on the back of her head and wrapped her in his arms, giving her one last passionate kiss. He released her a moment later, knowing it was a kiss he would remember for the rest of his life.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, forcing himself to leave her at the door.

“Until then.”