Is She Safe?

After Lacey was safely inside, Julien and the rest of the Harvest Moon Pack checked to make sure that the rogues had fled. And through it all, he noticed that everyone had pulled their weight.

Scar walked purposefully out of the castle in her human form, assessing the damage, dressed in a pack robe that one of the maids must have given her.

"Report,” Julien said.

"Well, it looks like there were no casualties on either side,” Scarlett said. “But there’s damage to the south wall and other parts of the perimeter. The castle is still intact.”

Julien nodded. “Thank you for following orders, Scarlett.”

"It was my honor, Alpha."

“Go ahead and help with cleanup.”

Scarlett nodded once. “May I say something… as a friend?”

Julien nodded once. “Make it quick.”

“Don’t be too hard on Lacey,” Scarlett said. “She was doing what she thought was her job.” Then Scarlett turned and headed toward Rock to start on cleanup, as ordered.