The Next Morning

When Lacey woke the next morning, the events from the night before came rushing back—her family making fools of themselves, her sister's jealousy. Then Julien believing her and telling her that she had his heart. She smiled at the memory.

Lacey sat up and then fell back down onto the pillows, grateful that the wedding wasn't until that evening. At least she would have all day to get ready.

"Good morning, Princess!" Gwen stepped into the room, carrying a tray, amused when she saw that Lacey was still in bed.

"Good morning but go away." Lacey closed her eyes and pulled the pillow over her head, needing more sleep. After the events of the night before and thinking about the wedding today, she couldn’t sleep half the night.

Gwen chuckled. "Here.” Lacey opened her eyes and Gwen handed her a glass of orange juice. "Drink this. It’ll make you feel better. It'll replenish your electrolytes and hydrate you at the same time."