A Traitor in Our Midst

Lacey pushed herself harder through the mountains, needing to run. Then she caught the scent of a herd of elk and slowed. Lacey crouched low, eyeing her prey, but then caught the scent of something else. Something big.

"Grrrowwwaaallll!" She knew that sound well... and it was right behind her.

Lacey’s head snapped up as a low, guttural growl erupted from deep inside her chest. For behind her was a huge, black bear. "Why not?" Lacey thought, knowing she needed to work off some steam.

The black bear rose on its hind legs and growled loudly again, staking its claim on the territory. However, when Lacey rose to her feet, revealing her massive size, the bear turned and started to run... but Lacey was faster.