Scarlett the Beta

The next morning, Julien woke early, eager to get to the practice field.

"Morning," Lacey said, rolling over in his bed, where she belonged. "Give me a minute and I'll get ready—"

"Absolutely not," Julien growled. "You stay in bed and let your leg heal."

A disappointed look colored her face, her pout looking so cute. "But what about my young warriors?"

Julien smirked. It wasn't lost on him that she had referred to them as her young warriors. Julien slid into his workout pants and fastened his belt buckle, and then slipped on a T-shirt and a hoodie. Even though it was October and getting cold out, it never affected him. "Don't worry. I'll get Scarlett or Raye to take over for them until you're feeling better."

"But I—" She started to get out of bed, but Julien stopped her.

"Nope! The only think I want you to do today is to rest." He bent down and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "And don't get out of that bed."