Chapter 65: Pregnant?

Lacey was so tired that she hated to move from the bed but started feeling hungry. In fact, more than hungry; she was famished. "Give me a minute and I'll be ready to go to dinner."

"No." He held her tightly to him like a life-sized doll.

"But the chef—"

"Will keep it warm," Julien finished. But then her stomach grumbled loudly, giving her away. He raised up and looked at her. "See? I told you that you were pregnant!"

"What?" Lacey asked, pushing against his shoulder playfully. "When your stomach growls, it means you’re hungry, not pregnant."

"Well, let's examine the facts, shall we?" He pulled her to his chest again.

"You're enjoying this."

"Immensely." Then he leaned back, feigning that he was thinking. "Now... where was I? Oh, yeah! Exhibit one!” He held up one finger. “You were so tired that you fell asleep when you came upstairs, when usually, you could still jog around the block after a full day of working out."
