Chapter 69: Escape

When Lacey woke, she was in a room with no windows and steel walls. She still felt groggy, but she willed herself to stay alert. Lacey looked around, but there was just a bed and nothing else in the room. Lacey looked down and she was wearing a pair of sweats and a tank top. She made a mental note: When she saw Scar next, she was going to kill her, along with Brock and Rex… the list was growing.

She sat up and her stomach lurched, ready to heave, probably from the drug and the lack of food. There was a small trashcan nearby, so she heaved the contents of what she didn't have in her stomach into it. She needed to eat. Lacey hadn't eaten anything in over twenty-four hours, and she was famished.

Feeling weak from whatever they had injected her with, she looked around to see what she could use as a weapon, knowing she had to keep her wits about her if she was going to get out of this alive.