Chapter 86: The Past is Coming Back

Within a few days, Lacey woke feeling much better than she had in days—maybe even weeks—and the wound from her appendectomy was nearly healed. Thank goodness, shifters heal quickly.

"How are you feeling?" Julien asked, stretched out on the bed, bare chested, with one arm behind his head, looking as sexy as ever.

One corner of her lips curled into a smile. "Much better now. Thank you." She pulled some clothes out of the closet and started getting dressed. "I was thinking that I'd start training with the warriors again today."

"Well...." Julien sat up, his black hair falling over his shoulders, looking like an ad out of a men’s magazine. "I had another idea."

Lacey laughed. "I don't think I'm heal up enough for that yet." She kissed the tip of his nose. "Maybe tomorrow."

Julien smirked. "Although I'm always up for that...." He took her hand and pulled her onto the bed, flipping her over, his arms forming a protective cage around her. "That's not what I was thinking."