Chapter 95: Aftermath

Lacey waited inside the compound along with the rest of The Harvest Moon Pack, all weary from the battle. "Anyone in need of medical attention, go immediately to the infirmary!"

"Aye!" the entire pack yelled in unison.

Robes had been handed out as they walked in, taking their human forms, along with bottled water.

"Let me take a look at that." Misty stood at the door and checked a shifter's arm as he came in. "You. Go to the infirmary." Then she stopped three young shifters. "You three look exhausted. Are you hurt?"

"No, ma'am," the three said in unison.

Misty nodded. "Good. Then go upstairs to take a bath and get some rest. Food will be served in the dining hall soon."

"Yes, Ma'am." Then the three of them headed up the stairs.

Misty spent her time directing the others instead of taking care of herself.

"Julien!" Lacey yelled when he came walking through the door. He was bloody, but appeared to be no worse for wear. "Let’s get you to the infirmary."