Grandma’s Departure

At first, Selena got so scared with that sudden kiss, that she didn’t know how to respond. But after a while, her instincts kind of kicked in, and she couldn’t control herself.

She put her arms around his neck, pulling him even more towards her, like there was still some space between them.

Lucas was also surprised because he didn’t think she would surrender to him. He thought that she would push him and curse his entire family for kissing her like that.

But she was actually kissing him back.

Selena felt a heat inside her body and her mind was getting full of dirty thoughts about Lucas and what she wanted to do with him.

With an abrupt shove, Selena got away from him, looking very shocked with herself.

She didn’t know how she got the strength to separate from him, from that kiss. It was the most incredible feeling she had ever felt.

But she got back to her senses, regretting it the moment Lucas released her from his arms. It felt so good to be there. It was like his arms were made for her.

“I'm sorry… I shouldn’t have done that.” she said, fixing her hair and clothes.

Lucas’ eyes were a mix of pain and frustration.

“I won’t apologize for kissing you.” he said with soft eyes.

He could still feel her in his arms, feel her taste on his lips, sense the smell of her skin.

Selena almost pulled him back for another kiss, but she was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to stop this time.

She passed her hand through her hair and face while getting herself together, and then she looked at him.

He seemed so helpless standing there, away from her. Exactly how she was feeling too.

“I should go. I need to see my grandma before she leaves. She is going on a trip tonight, so…”

She gave him a sad look, which caused him some conflicted thoughts.

Was she sorry for pushing him, for stopping the kiss, for leaving? Why she seemed sad after all?

But Lucas didn’t want to pressure her, he didn’t want it to be forced. If she was going to be with him someday, it would have to be because she wanted to, not because he imposed anything.

“Sure… Do you want me to go with you?” he offered.

“No, no. It’s fine. I’m feeling good as new. Thank you for offering though. And thank you for… You know, helping me yesterday.”

“Yeah, any time. By the way, we didn’t do anything. I wouldn’t take advantage of you in that state. I’m not that type of guy.” he completed.

Selena nodded, feeling thankful and relieved for what he said. She would like to remember if something had happened.

She turned to the door, while every bone on her body urged her to go on the other direction. She had to ignore that magnetic field calling her back to his arms.

Selena went through the kiss on her head a bunch of times, over and over again.

She didn’t even notice she was almost at home, because she couldn’t pay attention to anything on the way.

“Grandma?” she yelled while entering the house.

“In the bedroom.” she heard Grandma’s voice from afar.

She followed her voice and found her grandmother closing the luggage above the bed.

“You're already leaving?” Selena asked sadly.

She was still not happy about the trip, but that was a lost battle against her grandmother. There was nothing she could do to prevent that.

“In a few minutes. I need to talk to you first.”

Grandma sat on the bed and patted on the mattress, so Selena could follow her and sit too.

Selena did like she was told and looked at her grandmother with a concerned look.

“What is it, Grandma? Did something happen?”

“No, dear. I just want to emphasize the need of you keeping your powers a secret. I heard that there is someone asking around about you.”

“Who?” Selena was puzzled. “Do you think it was one of the wolves that ambushed me the other day?” Selena tried to put the pieces together.

“I don’t know. But until we find out, you need to be really careful.”

Selena nodded. Nothing was making a lot of sense for her.

Grandma didn’t give much information because it was one of the reasons she was going on a trip on the first place.

It wasn’t time for Selena to know anything yet. Grandma had to be sure about things before telling her granddaughter anything.

Grandma knew who was asking around about Selena. But it could be dangerous for Selena to know about it, since she was very explosive. She could do something reckless while Grandma was away.

“Don’t worry, Grandma. I’ll be fine. Now I’m the one that tells you to be careful. You won’t even tell me where you’re going or anything. How do you think I feel?”

“I know, dear. I know how you feel. But I know what I’m doing. And when I get back, I’ll tell you everything, and you’ll understand why I had to do it.”

Grandma got up and grabbed her luggage. Selena followed her outside, with mixed emotions all over her mind.

Her grandmother turned to her and opened her arms, offering Selena a big hug.

Selena had never been away from her Grandma before, but there were a lot of first times happening lately in her life anyway.

This was just another one.

They hugged tightly and Grandma left, asking Selena to take care of her plants.

Grandma left worried about Selena, not knowing if she would be able to be safe.

And there was also another thing on her mind worrying her. Would Selena be married by the time she got back?