Selena woke up feeling a sharp pain on her head, and as she recovered her senses, she couldn’t move her arms and legs.
When she opened her eyes, she saw that there was a very thick rope tying her hands and feet. She couldn’t let herself loose.
She blinked a few times to adjust to the light of the place, although it wasn’t very bright.
At first she couldn’t understand what kind of place that was or where she could be.
She just remembered blacking out. She had no idea what happened after that.
Then she started to pay attention to the surroundings. There was no one with her. She was alone at what seemed to be an empty room with some old wooden furniture.
The place had a dirty aspect, like no one lived there in ages. The only light was coming from a lampshade above a small table where she was tied up to.
The room she was in was very small and hot. In front of her, she could see the door, but couldn’t reach it.