The pack meeting was scheduled for dawn. Selena asked everyone to be there because what she had to say was really important.
It was officially her first meeting after she became an Alpha. Everything was going smoothly during the first days as the new leader, and since Grandma’s guests were supposed to arrive by the end of the week, the meeting couldn’t be postponed anymore.
So when the last ray of sunshine lighted the outside of the village, Selena found herself in front of everyone again.
Every eye on her looked anxious and curious. They had no idea what the meeting was about.
“Good evening, everyone. I’m sorry to bother you today with another meeting, but what I have to talk to you is something that can’t wait anymore.” she started as everyone rejected her apology, like they didn’t care to be bothered by her.
“I need you to pay a lot of attention to everything I’ll say, and if anyone has any questions, I’ll be glad to answer later, ok?”
They nodded and she continued.