By the time they finished greeting all the pack elders, it was already past midday.
Ran was surprised.
Usually, she was much quicker.
But this time, Caph was with her and he didn't just observe—he imitated her and greeted all the pack elders, engaging them in respectful conversations that ended up dragging on longer than necessary.
The Eridanus elders were very curious about him. They had heard about his reputation, (old people have their own network of information) and they were surprised to find him so involved in the affairs of his new pack so quickly.
She was happy for him.
He didn't need any help from her rebuilding his own reputation.
He was doing fine on his own.
She was happy for him.
She was.
It's just that, the pack elders seemed to respect Caph so easily and he managed to get them to open up to him about their personal lives just by looking them in the eye and opening his mouth.