(26) I'm Okay on My Own

Anna stopped outside the door and pulled John to a stop. She took his face gently in her hands and kissed him. Her mouth moved over his and she deepened the kiss running her hands through his hair not caring who saw. She pulled back breaking the kiss. John leaned in trying to follow her departing lips and she smiled as he opened his eyes and stared at her curiously.

“What was that for?”

“Trying to be my knight in shining armor.”

“Well if I knew that was going to be my payment I would do more of it.” He said with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Hey are you okay?” she asked smoothing her hands over his shoulders. “You look like somethings bothering you.”

“Nope, just some things I have to take care of.”

“Can I help?”

“I love that you asked that,” John said with a nip to her lower lip. “You constantly amaze me.”

“Are you sure?”