(28) A Second Chance

Anna chocked on the coffee and cookie in her mouth and stared at him amazed. She had known him since high school and even though he had liked her it had never happened. Now here they sat as adults, one of them married and one about to be and he was bringing up the possibilities now?

“Can’t say I ever did.” She said quietly as she met his gaze.

“Not even once?”

“Well there were times in high school that I might have wondered, but like I said things work out for a reason.”

Anthony reached over and put his hand on hers and squeezed her fingers. “I think that running into you today was a sign, we don’t see each other in years and now we run into each other out of the blue just when I’m doubting everything with Seline, It seems like fate.”

“I think you are putting too much into this, it was nice to see you again, and it’s always nice to catch up with an old friend.”

“An old friend? don’t you remember when I kissed you senior year? I definitely felt something.”