49-Confessions and a Warning

“You never know what a person will do until they are pushed against the wall,” John said as he watched his mother and May walk away.

“I can pretty much guess,” Anna said as she took John’s hand as they walked out of the building.

“I’m so sorry, it feels like I’m apologizing for them constantly. I don’t know what has come over her and May lately. It’s like they are different people.”

“Or maybe you are just really seeing them for the first time?”

John closed her door and slid behind the wheel. He rubbed his eyes and Anna could tell that he was tired and worn down.

“I guess you might be right.” He said looking out the window “there is a part of me that still hopes that the loving family I thought I had growing up actually exists.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.”