61- Plans in Motion

Anna and John spent the next few weeks works working to rebuild the trust that was damaged between them. John was doing everything in his power to show her that he was ready to make a change but something held Anna back form really moving past it. She knew it was her own hang-ups, but something inside her kept shouting at her to be careful.

“I am so screwed up.” She thought to herself as she got ready to leave John's office. She put the paperwork on his desk and turned to leave, bumping right into John.

“Hey beautiful, just in time to go home with me.”

“I would but I have some things to finish. I have to get the proposal done for the Bennington.”

“Any chance I can convince you to play hooky?

“No, the boss is such a slave driver.”

John smiled and pulled her closer.“ So I’m a slave driver?”

“Who said you were the boss, Stella’s the boss.”

John put his hand to his chest as if wounded. “I thought I was in charge.”

“It’s something women let men believe.”