Chapter 34

Misgivings may have howled in Callm's gut as he spoke, his body responded as it always did. The winter light glinted on her tarnished-gold hair. Her soft scent tickled his senses. The need to kiss her, to hold her, was damned unbearable.

What the hell was wrong with him that he felt like that? That he'd never wanted a woman more? He didn't love her. He was trapped, nothing more. Doing all manner of things for the good of the glen. She couldn't expect him to love her when her damned clan had murdered Morven. Made him what he now was. To love this woman wasimpossible. Of course these things happened but in this instance he couldn't let it.It didn't matter Morven was never coming back. It mattered that her memory was respected. This woman had beguiled him. Nothing more. Surely?