"Well, here we are at last. Is this not cozy?"
Cozy was not the word Callm would have used to describe Wee Murdie's breath on his cheek right now. Although it could have been worse. He might have been Eck, being squashed between Shug's gross belly and the gleaming staircase wall.
"Kin you see onything?" Eck gasped.
Callm snagged a breath. From long experience of moments like this, he didn't want to answer. But Eck sounded as if he breathed his last, so was it any wonder he wanted to know how much longer he'd have to live?
"Hell. Shh. Do you think I've got eyes on sticks?" Callm said.
"Do ye want me to have a look?"
Wee Murdie was almost as bad as Eck. Now, when it was vital they all held their tongues, it was as if none of them could. But then none of them had ever done anything quite like this. Callm glanced over his shoulder.
"No. What I want is you to shut up."