Chapter 23: Temecula Honey

Francesca lost herself in the swirling wind that buffeted the Mercedes interior. Her thoughts drifted from the horror of seeing her uncle murdered on a Mexican highway to the loathing and fear of Mexican law enforcement. She realized her life in Lompoc was blessed and she vowed to return there. Life with Abuela was peaceful and simple. She would give up this quest to find her father’s identity. But there was that signature on the letter to Tony’s father. Father Paolo Da Rimini. Even though Uncle Pete said he wasn’t well, he had some explaining to do. It was a start.

"Does the wind bother you niece? I can raise the top if you like?”

"It's not the wind, Uncle. I’m concerned about Paolo. You said he wasn’t well?”

“The last time I saw him he was OK, just a little too thin for my liking.”

“When did you see him last?”

" At your mother’s funeral."

“That was more than three years ago! You were there?"