Chapter 41: Barstow

Mist burnt off Highway 15 as we entered the most southern part of the Mojave Desert. The sun had crested over Bell Mountain, a lonesome peak that resembled more a flattened woman’s breast than a bell. Barstow was visible in the northeast as a spider-like web of intersecting highways, billboards and tractor trailers. Driving nonstop for close to two hours, I broke the uncomfortable silence, that lingered the moment we left Carpentaria.

“What’s so special about Barstow, that we’re stopping there first?”

"Del Taco, the best Taco joint, between here and Vegas.

“Wow, I could really go for a taco right about now!” I exclaimed.

“Sorry, no can do. We’re expected at Wilbur’s.

“Wilbur’s? What’s that?”

" You’ll see.” Joey replied with a naughty laugh.