
Chapter 30

I remembered the look on his face after Gran had kissed him on the cheek after thanking him for taking care of me. I'd been right back then. His life lacked warmth, and his father's marriage with Cheryl hadn't brought him any happiness.

Ian plucked himself out from the wagon his mind had boarded and stared at me. “See?” he said, shrugging his shoulder, “That's why I like to hang around your grandma's house so much. It's cozy and welcoming.”

I nodded. “I love the Lady.”

“The Lady?”

I nodded once more, not getting the reason behind his confusion. And then, “Oh,” I realized. Of course, he didn't know who the Lady was. “Gran's house. I call Gran's house the Lady—because of its fairytale looks. I don't know…it makes me think of a lady with all the flowers around and all.”

He narrowed his green eyes in thought. “I guess you're right. Now that you're mentioning it…she does look like one. Funny.”