Devil returns

After thinking for a couple of minute , Amiha understood that Dark King's soul is talking about his Lord Zora , because apart from him there was no Dark Wizard .

He went out and took Zora's body in the temple . After seeing Zora , Dark King get shocked and asked -" How is this possible , he is my hundredth descendant , his powers are immense . It's not possible for anyone to defeat him ."

Cyrus taunted -" No , it is possible , he is defeated by the Ominata , the girl who only given birth just for the destruction of your hundredth descendant and save the Wizards World from your curse ."

Amiha (sorrowfully ) said -" My Lord power's couldn't stand in front of that Omi and he died . "

First Amiha and Cyrus only heard the voice of Dark King's soul but when they told about Zora , he appeared to them . He touched Zora's body and understood the whole story .

He was smiling and by seeing him like this , Cyrus said Amiha -" I think , he is gone mad ."

" Shut up " Amiha ordered .

Then he asked to Dark King -" What happened Dark King ? Is there anything we don't know ? "

Dark King said -" If Zora awaken his full powers then Ominata would never defeat him . Someone has sealed Zora's powers , that's the reason he died so easily otherwise it won't possible to defeat Zora because he is born with my powers . "

Cyrus was confused and asked -" I don't understand one thing , I know that Ominata's powers are seal and till now she is not able to unlock that seal but this is a fresh news for us that Zora's powers were also sealed by someone . Can you please explain me ? "

Dark King told them -" When the Wizard World was created by Lord Mathews , they did injustice to Dark Wizards by giving superiority to White Wizards . I against the decision but they didn't listen . I decided to destroy all the White Wizards , but circumstances changes and before the destruction of White Wizard's I died . Because of the injustice with me I decided to destroy the whole Wizard World which is created by Lord Mathews and create a new world . I knew that I don't have enough time but the anger in me wanted revenge . For doing injustice with me , I cursed the Wizard World that my hundredth descendant will born for the destruction of the Wizard World . But now when I touched Zora I understood that when he was born his powers had sealed by his father Julius . "

Cyrus interrupted -" Now , I understood everything . So , King Julius sealed Zora's powers that's why he died because he was not knowing that his powers were sealed , if he was knowing then he could unlock the seal and defeat Ominata , right ? "

Dark King -" If Zora was knowing the truth then to he could not able to unlock his seal , because the seal could only be broken when the person who sealed the powers unlock them otherwise it is not possible to unlock the seal by yourself . "

Amiha said -" King Julius sealed the powers of Lord Zora and he is no more .Then , how My Lord could unlock their powers ? "

Dark King -" There is only one way after the person who locked the seal die , only the First Wizards means First Dark Wizard and First White Wizard can unlock the seal . "

Amiha ( get excited ) said -" You mean , you can unlock the seal of My Lord ? "

Dark King -" Yes , Zora is the only medium for the completion of my dream . "

Dark King Ordered Cyrus and Amiha to stand far away . Dark King started the unlocking process of seal . Earlier , the temple was filled with darkness but now , when the Dark Wizard Unlocking the seal , the whole temple was filled with lighting .

Cyrus and Amiha closed their eyes as they didn't control that much amount of light . After a while , everything backed to normal . Cyrus and Amiha opened up their eyes , they saw Zora standing in front of them . Amiha became speechless and welcome his Lord by his open arms .

Zora asked to Amiha -" What happened to me ? As far as I know , that Omi hitted me and I fell on the ground .What happened after that Amiha ? "

Amiha answered -" My Lord , you were dead . "

Amiha explained all the things to Zora after his death . Cyrus was knowing that Zora became powerfull and going against him can cost his life . So , he said emotionally -" Zora my friend , so good to see you again . After your death I was shattered , welcome back my buddy . "

Zora understandting very well his intentions . He said -" Stopped doing this drama , I know you need me and that's why you are behaving like this . "

Zora asked to Dark King -" I understood the whole story but I don't understand one thing , if I can unlock my powers with your help then Omi can also unlock her seal with the help of First White Wizard , am I right ? "

Dark King -" No Zora , Ominata is born with the both powers and if she ever wants to unlock her seal then Omi has to take both First Wizards permission . "

Cyrus asked -" So , if Omi needs your permission , you allow her or not ? "

Dark King -" She is the only barrier in between the completion of my dreams . First White Wizard will surely allow her but I won't . "

Amiha said -" And if you refuse her then her powers will remain low in comparison to My Lord . "

Zora smilingly said -" Yes "