A Happy World

After the death of Mathews , Omi realised that a happy World doesn't need any Magical powers . She requested to God -" Please God , make this World , magic free . Break every rules and regulations which had only given rise to hatred , war and sorrow . This World doesn't need any King Or Queen to rule , instead of it , we have to give equal chance to everyone to rise . There should be no superiority or inferiority among people . 'All are equal ' concept should be follow by everyone . "

All were surprised because of this decision of Omi but at the same time , they all were happy as they also felt this Powers more a burden rather than a blessing .

God said -" As you all wish . "

Creator took back the magic of the Wizard World and made it a normal World . Not only the people but the environment also changed a lot . Every single magical thing vanished from that World . Omi also transformed into a normal girl . All the people of the Wizard World didn't understand the sudden change in their body . So , Omi and her whole team aware people about that change .

King Nozel was no more a King but still he was happy . They also informed people about the new policies.....like from that day , no one would be selected to any post according to his birth but according to his capabilities and strength . Omi wanted to made King Nozel , the head to check all the activities of that World but King Nozel refused it as he now wanted to be with his granddaughter . Omi gave that responsibility to the Samantha and she accepted it . She took oath - " I will take care of everyone not as leader but as a servant . "

Cyrus also got a post according to his ability .

Zora went near to Omi and asked -" What you will give me ? "

" What you want Zora ? "

Zora hugged her tightly and said -" I want you to be with you . Now , I understood , family is more important than anything in this World . If you can give me a second chance then I want to come with you in Human World . "

Omi smiled and said yes to him . Thereafter , Danny asked Samantha about her future plans . She was clearly understanding his feeling but first , she teased him -" Ummm............My only plan is to do my work efficiently and to make people aware about that being a human is far more better than being a powerful person . "

Danny again asked -" And ???!!! "

" And nothing ! "

Danny's face became dull and he was going back . Omi stopped him and told Samantha not to teased him . Samantha gave a big smile and hugged him from the back . Danny decided to stay in that World with Samantha .

After all things settled down , all were looking at Sazana as he didn't told anyone what he gonna do after all this . Danny uttered Omi to approached Sazana for the love . Omi was not sure about Sazana's feelings that is why she was hesitating . When all looked that Omi and Sazana were not talking to each other , Danny said all to leave them alone .

After the exit of all , Omi was looking at Sazana but he was ignoring her and stood in the corner . They both remained silent as there were nothing to discussed except about the mission ( Which was competed ) . After few minutes , Omi whispered -" What you have decided Sazana ? Where you will go now ? "

Sazana took a deep breathe and answered -" I don't know . "

Omi remembers how Sazana lost his everything just to save her . First his father Mr. Joe , second his mother and third his brother . She didn't understand how to thank him for each everything he did for her . He was literally a Savior .

When Sazana watched that Omi was worried , he understood that she was feeling sorry for him . He said -" It's not your fault Omi , destiny had decided everything . I lost my everything but I am happy that you get your family back . Go and live your life , the way you want . I am going Omi................to search my real parents . "

Sazana said Good bye to Omi and took leave . When he was going , Omi's eyes were in tears but she didn't had the courage to stop him . She thought that was her last meeting with him . She informed everyone about Sazana's exit .

King Nozel , Zora and Omi decided to go on earth and stay their for the rest of their life . Amiha ran and stood infront of Zora . " My lord , I want to come with you . "

Zora said -" You can come with me , there is no problem in it but I have a condition . "

" Condition ? "

" Yes , you can come with me not as a servant but........as a friend ! Got it . "

Amiha was happy to observed a good change in Zora's behaviour .

He smilingly answered -" Yes My lord.........I mean , friend . "

When they arrived on the earth , Omi teached them the way of their living . It took time to adjust in that World for Zora , Nozel and Amiha but they all were handling all the thing very easily . Omi was not saying anything but deep inside she was missing Sazana .

Two years passed away . Zora was working in a car repairing shop . Her grandfather Nozel had opened a book shop and Amiha was practicing to become a professional linguistic . Omi was doing her graduation and also a part-time job .

One day , she was coming back home from the college and when arrived at home , all the three welcomed her so nicely . She understood that there was something fishy . He goes in and found Sazana standing infront of her eyes .

Sazana uttered -" I finally discovered about my family . My father was one of the savior of Human World . One day a White Wizard came in search of the power stone . That person was my mother . When she met my father , they both fell in love . She chose to stay here with my father , but as we all know , at that time there was a barrier for the Wizards because of that they have to leave earth after sometimes otherwise they could die . My father didn't wanted to lose my mother , he urged to his chief Blade to remove that barrier , but he refused . My father didn't accept the decisions and fought with his own team . My father was one of the powerful saviors , so the only option left to stop him was to kill him . After my father's death , Blade tried to kill my mother as he thought she came to stole the stone . At that time , because of the labor pain my mother was in a hospital . After the operation , my mother was unconscious . Blade entered in her ward and killed her in that condition . I was also in that room , he saw me and ordered one of his subordinate to kill me . But that person sent me to Wizard World instead of killing me . "

Omi questioned -" Who told you all this ? "

" After searching for two years , I met that person who saved me from Blade . And he was my father's bestfriend so he told me each and everything . "

After listening all the truth , Omi was waiting for that moment when Sazana will express his feelings . She was waiting for the Sazana's confession but he was still standing silent like always . Omi got fed up with the behaviour of Sazana and shouted on him . " Listen you jerk , I love you ! Will you marry me ?..............."

A sudden proposal of Omi , amazed everyone .

Sazana final spoken -" I love you too Omi , I love you very much............I wanted to say the same thing to you but I thought you will say no , sorry for that . "

Omi -" Forget about all this , now we will start a new chapter of our life . "