A gentle awakening !

Day 116

A feeling of warmth, of well-being, of security : that was what Sakura was feeling right now. She was asleep, and for some reason that was completely unclear to her, she hadn't slept this well since the time she was with her parents in Konoha. In fact, it was a small repetitive noise that gently woke her from her sweet slumber. She blinked softly, the day was just beginning to dawn and several questions assailed her. Where was she ? What had happened to her ? Why did she feel so good ?

Then the pleasant sensation of warmth was answered in her head when she felt a torso she was leaning on rise with a breath. A tiny blush settled on her cheeks at the realisation of where she was. She who had been chasing a one-sided love all her life, waking up in the arms of a man disturbed her. So it was half awake that Sakura heard a small, steady noise again.

She didn't move, her brain hadn't yet analyzed the source of the noise. Normally, as a shinobi, Sakura would have reacted quickly to this abnormal noise. But she was fine in this position, she didn't want to move. This embrace made her feel good. It reminded her of the feeling of hugging her parents, plus the feeling of when she'd had the opportunity to hug Sasuke. Security ? Love ? Acceptance ? Oneness ? She had no idea, but for the first time since she had arrived in the Sengoku era, she felt peace in her soul.

Then the noise started again, and she looked around and realized that it was the common sound of someone knocking on the door. Turning her gaze around the room she recognised the room provided for them at the Daimyô's. Ah yes, the Daimyô ! The thoughts returned to Sakura, the trip to the capital of Ta No Kuni, the meeting with the Daimyô, the conversation with the maids, the meal, Madara's gesture just before falling asleep. Thinking back on this action, she wondered what it meant to Madara. Had he done this under the influence of alcohol ? No, he had hardly had anything to drink that evening, he had even refused to drink sake at the end of the meal. So Madara was in complete control of his emotions as he took Sakura in his arms.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the gentle tap on the bedroom door once again. She decided to stand up, but found herself restrained by a strong grip.

— "Let them go Sakura-san...," Madara whispered in a still sleepy voice, his eyes still closed.

— "Maybe it's important," Sakura retorted softly.

— "More important than resting ?" Madara asked.

— "Maybe it's the Daimyô," Sakura replied before finally getting up despite Madara's complaints about keeping Sakura pressed up against him. He had loved spending the night with this woman pressed up against him. In the past he had had many conquests that he only used for the pleasures of the flesh. And this was the first time Madara had slept with a woman, knowing that he hadn't even slept with her the night before.

So it was a Sakura still dressed in her black silk pajamas who quietly made her way to the door. As she concentrated she felt two people with a very minimal chakra reserve. Either they were civilians or they were ninjas who were properly hiding their chakra. For safety Sakura conjured up a kunai in her right hand before yanking the door open.

It was Hana and Amaya who gasped as the door opened to see Sakura wearing a cold stare. That look only lasted a second before it turned soft and pleasant, but it was enough for the two maids to see another side of Sakura : a killer !

— "Gomen," Sakura said before she made her kunai disappear. "Ohayô Hana-san, Amaya-san."

— "Ohayô Sakura-sama !" The two maids bowed with a small smile on their lips. After all Sakura was in the lord's room having designs on her.

— "What can I do for you ?" Asked Sakura who was now awake.

— "We were sent to prepare you for your day," Amaya replied quietly as she didn't want to wake the Lord of the room who was probably still sleeping.

— "For what ?" Sakura asked.

— "Let's just say that yesterday's makeup ran a bit overnight," Hana smiled shyly as she hinted at a potential night of sex with Madara.

— "Hana-san !" Sakura snapped in a low voice as she took the hint. She glanced behind her and saw Madara still lying there. "I'll be back in a moment."

— "Take your time," Madara said as he slowly woke up in turn.

So it was an embarrassed Sakura who closed the door behind her before being pulled by Hana and Amaya into the room opposite. A room that was supposed to be her bedroom at first.

— "So !?" The blonde exclaimed a little too loudly for Sakura's taste, she was already embarrassed enough as it was.

— "So what ?" Sakura asked as Amaya pulled her towards the dressing table.

— "Her lord made his declaration after Daiki-sama declared himself at dinner ?" Hana asked before receiving a glare from Amaya.

— "Hana ! You can't ask that !"

— "Ah, don't worry Amaya-san, I don't mind," Sakura quickly reassured her not wanting Hana to be punished for being nosy. "And no, my Lord hasn't declared himself to me in any way and as I said yesterday, it's not like that between us."

— "Yet you spent the night with him," Hana retorted as she took a glove and dipped it in a container of water.

— "Hai," Sakura confirmed as the blonde gently ran the wrung out glove over her face. She was gently removing the previous day's makeup that had run a little bit from being stuck to Madara's chest. "But it's mostly because it's easier for me to protect him by being close to him."

— "My Lord doesn't seem like someone who needs protecting," Amaya retorted as she brushed Sakura's hair.

— "I'm not just a warrior Amaya-san, I'm also a doctor," Sakura added, looking at the brunette in the mirror.

— "A doctor ? That's something very rare," Amaya said, she had never seen a doctor before, but had heard of them. People who could heal wounds with ointments and other medicines.

— "Hai, my Lord has had an injury and I must take care of him..."

— "In any case, Madame was very beautiful yesterday and made an impact," said Amaya, recalling the events of the previous day.

— "I owe it to you girls... again, thank you," Sakura thanked as Hana finished removing her makeup.

— "Sakura-sama, I have a delicate question for you."

— "I'm listening Hana-san, don't be ashamed," Sakura encouraged, but she realized she wished she had never asked that question.

— "How do you feel about the man you spent the night with ?"

— "I... I...," Sakura tried but failed. She didn't know how she felt about the man in the other room. She wanted to say that she hated him because he was a bloodthirsty killer and a psychopath. But that would be a lie because he was not the man she had come to know. Every day the hatred she felt for him grew less and less until she saw less of this horrible man who started the Fourth Great Shinobi War. She had gradually learned to see him as a human being with values, dreams and a great destiny. He just needed guidance. "I... I don't know, Hana-san."

— "Do you love him ?" Hana continued.

Did she love him ? She didn't know, she had thought she had loved someone all her life, but from her teachings she didn't even know if it had been a real love. Although it was, it was a child's love, a teenager's love...

— "What is love Hana-san ?" Sakura asked in return.

— "Love ? It's when you feel your stomach being filled with butterflies when you see your loved one, it's when you have a smug smile appear on your mouth whenever you think of them. It's when you can't stop thinking about him and his well-being," Hana explained before being interrupted.

— "I think she gets it, Hana-chan," Amaya interjected, seeing that if she wasn't stopped, she was going to continue like this for a long time.

— "But uh !" Hana pouted, which made Sakura laugh heartily. It felt so good to be among women and laugh like that.

— "I once felt that way Hana-san... but for my Lord... I don't know," Sakura admitted, finally able to open her heart about her feelings to someone who wouldn't necessarily judge her.

— "Why didn't it work ?" The blonde asked and automatically Sakura put her hand to her heart. The spot where Sasuke had stabbed her with his Rinnegan.

— "He... let's just say he played with my feelings," Sakura said, lowering her eyes. "I think that's why I can't love anymore... and I don't know where I stand."

— "Gomen Sakura-sama," Hana said as she grabbed Sakura's hands. "I'm sure one day you'll find a man who will turn your heart upside down and make you happy."

— "We'll see," Sakura said with a small smile.

The young woman sat up straight before removing her pajamas. Her belongings from the night before were laid out near the weapons rack. She walked over to the bed to put her pajamas down. Under the questioning eyes of the two maids, Sakura conjured up a new outfit in a puff of smoke.

— "Magic !" Amaya exclaimed in awe.

— "Fûinjutsu Amaya-san," Sakura corrected as she took the time to get dressed. "The tattoos I have on my forearms allow me to carry a lot of stuff around."

—" What exactly is Fûinjutsu Sakura-sama ?" Hana asked genuinely curious and interested in what she had just seen.

— "It's a shinobi art," said Sakura who knew that this art was very secret in the Sengoku era. Only ninjas knew about the shinobi arts.

— "Can anyone do it ?" The blonde asked as Sakura walked over to the base to pick up her katana and strap it to her back.

— "Yes and no Hana-san, it's more complicated than that," Sakura said before sealing all of her things in one of those seals. Once everything was put away she turned to the two maids. "Again, thank you for all the girls."

— "Sakura-sama... do you mind if I give you a hug ?" Hana asked shyly.

With a wide smile Sakura granted her request and hugged her.

— "I'm going to miss you both," Sakura confessed as she held the blonde in her arms. "I know we haven't talked much, but I've really enjoyed our time together."

— "That's what friends are for," Hana said smiling.

— "Friends ?" Sakura said foolishly, who, apart from Hitomi, had no friends at all.

— "Hai !" The blonde confirmed as she stepped aside to make room for Amaya.

— "It was a pleasure to serve you ma'am," the more reserved brunette bowed.

— "The pleasure is mine Amaya-san," Sakura smiled as she headed for the door. "Take care of yourself."

So it was with a light heart that Sakura left the room. She felt like she may have gained two new friends in the capital of Ta No Kuni. She opened the second door and saw Madara getting dressed in his fighter outfit. He seemed to be having some difficulty putting on the top of the kimono because of his half-assed left arm.

— "Let me help you," Sakura said quickly as she approached.

— "Ohayô Sakura-san," Madara said as the pink haired young woman slipped her arm inside his brown kimono. "Did you sleep well ?"

— "Ohayô," Sakura replied, blushing at the memory of their night's sleep. "Hai, I slept well, though I prefer the comfort of my bed."

After all, as the saying goes, you sleep well in the king's house, but you never sleep as well as you do at home.

After helping Madara put on his kimono and his two swords at his belt, they headed for the council chamber. On the way Sakura wondered what Madara was thinking. He didn't seem to be affected by last night at all, he was acting as if nothing had happened... or maybe he was a better person than she was at dealing with his emotions.

— "My lords," said one of the two guards in front of the large solid wood door. "Your weapons please."

As was protocol, they handed over their weapons to meet the Daimyô. The Daimyô was having breakfast with Suzuki and Rômaji. The three of them were up very early after a rather drunken evening.

— "Daimyô-dono, Romaji-sama, Suzuki-san," Madara recited, bowing his head gently.

— "Ah, Uchiha-dono," Hashuba greeted the three of them in turn. "Did you two have a pleasant night ?"

— "Restful," Madara replied before settling down at the table with Sakura.

— "Great," Hashuba replied before eating a piece of fruit. Plates were already laid out on the table allowing Madara and Sakura to help themselves to fresh fruit for breakfast.

— "Daimyô-dono, is the person who teaches Fûinjutsu in your class competent ?" Sakura asked before eating a grape. They were very fresh and ripe to perfection, a sweet taste invaded Sakura's taste buds.

— "He knows the basics," replied Rômaji who was sipping tea while reading a scroll. Upon hearing this answer, Sakura waved her hand to activate one of the seals, causing two scrolls to appear in a puff of smoke.

— "This scroll Rômaji-sama is fireproof and will resist water. I advise you to put a lot of reserves inside it. However, keep an eye on it so that it doesn't get stolen. Then this one is an example that he can copy to allow you to make parcel post."

— "Parcel post ?" Rômaji asked, looking up from his reading, suddenly intrigued.

— "Hai, if you ever need to send a container, he can seal it in this little parchment that a carrier pigeon can carry. In the event that Daimyô-dono has to pay for his neutrality, this will ensure the safety of the transport," Sakura explained as the two council members and Daimyô looked on in awe.

— "I thank you," said Rômaji as Sakura pushed the two scrolls towards the old man. "Chests were brought in this morning for you to fill Sakura-dono."

— "Arigato," Sakura said before standing up and walking over to the chests that lay against the wall. There were a dozen of them, quite large, that could only be carried by the strength of four men once filled. So it was under the gaze of four guards and the four people at the table that Sakura poured a stream of money into the first chest.

She set her seal to flow quickly, wasting as little time as possible. The unmistakable sound of silver clashing filled the room, it was a beautiful and dangerous sight. For money could drive one mad, especially in large quantities. Men have gone mad to get more wealth and even killed people to take their property.

After about thirty minutes, Sakura finished the task of filling the coffers making the nation of Ta No Kuni extremely rich. This had barely affected Sakura's reserves, for in almost a century, the elemental nations had expanded their wealth. Sakura turned to the Daimyô and held out her hand to him.

— "Your ring please Daimyô-dono, Sakura asked.

The Daimyô looked at Sakura for a moment before turning his gaze to Madara who nodded slightly in trust. So he removed his ring before giving it to the woman who turned back with one of his most prized possessions. He felt naked without it, for this ring was proof of his standing in the world.

Sakura conjured up a new scroll and unrolled it on the floor. It was a rather intricate Fûinjutsu seal that had a large circle in the centre. She placed the ring in the centre before making another series of seals.

— "Fûinjutsu : Shïringukï," Sakura intoned causing all the symbols on the scroll to disappear into the ring. She then turned to the chests and drew a Kanji on each one.

Once she had drawn all ten Kanji, Sakura picked up the ring and put it on one of her fingers. She held out her fist, the seal of the ring pointing at the seal of one of the chests while her other hand was positioned in the ram's hand.

— "Fûin !" Sakura sealed as she activated the Fûinjutsu on the first chest. When she did so, a chakra connection was made between the ring and the chest. By doing this, no one could open the chests without having the Daimyô's ring on their finger. Sakura repeated the action for the other nine chests, and then walked towards the Daimyô. Returning the ring to its rightful owner, Sakura leaned over to Hashuba and whispered a few words.

— "The chests can only be opened in the presence of your Daimyô-dono ring."

This sentence shocked Hashuba, who had not expected it at all. This woman was becoming more and more surprising and he understood why Madara cared so much about her.

— "Good."

— "Daimyô-dono, I have proven myself to be a competent person, will you allow me to give you one more gift that may save your life one day ?" Sakura asked.

— "What is it ?" Hashuba asked, unable to deny that the young woman was more than competent in her field.

— "I would like to apply a Fûinjutsu seal to your skin."

— "What for ?" Hashuba asked and Sakura moved closer to his ear again so that only he could hear.

— "It may save you from death..."

— "Go ahead," the Daimyô agreed as the young woman conjured up some ink and a brush.

— "Roll up your sleeve opposite your Daimyô-dono ring."

Once he had rolled up his sleeve, Sakura grabbed her brush and began to trace symbols and curves on the skin of his forearm in a series of intricate movements worse than calligraphy on parchment.

Totally focused on her work, for she must not make any mistakes, Sakura did not notice that everyone present was following what she was doing with intense attention. Madara himself was also watching silently and very intrigued as they hadn't discussed the subject at all before. However, the dark-haired man knew that if she had decided to do this she had a good reason : he had to admit that he liked this kind of initiative from her.

After thirty minutes, Sakura picked up her brush, stepped back for a moment to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything, and a slight satisfied smile stretched across her face. She looked Hashuba in the eye and announced :

— "This may hurt a little, my Lord, but it is so that it will not fade with time."

The Daimyô nodded positively, encouraging Sakura to continue her work.

— "Fûin !" Sakura sealed as she activated her Iryô Ninjutsu. The intricate patterns on the skin of her forearm began to move as they absorbed Sakura's healing chakra, effectively causing a small tickle, before gradually becoming an increasingly sharp pain. The Daimyô kept his jaws clenched to control the unpleasant sensation he felt as the ink penetrated his skin like a tattoo.

The technique Sakura applied was different from what she did for Madara. The ones she applied to the Uchiha were temporary because they were not to conflict with the Tenketsu she was restoring at the same time.

For five more minutes she remained silent and concentrated before judging that her work was sufficient.

— "Is it done ?" Asked the Daimyô after this moment of silence.

— "Hai, the day you're in a situation where you should die, the seal I drew will work," Sakura whispered before getting up to return to Madara's side and finish her breakfast.

— "One last piece of advice Daimyô-dono," Madara began as he finished eating a pear. "Think big, don't make the mistake of underestimating what you're doing. When you're planning something, always think bigger than what you've planned !"

— "I will, Uchiha-dono," Hashuba agreed before breakfast continued in religious silence.

A few hours later, Madara and Sakura were outside the capital. They had walked down the main road so that if anyone was following them they would be able to spot them. When they saw that they weren't, they went the shinobi way: with chakra.

— "Very little chakra Madara-san, you just put in the necessary impulse. I'd rather we take more time than see you damage your legs," Sakura ordered Madara.

— "Hai," the dark-haired man replied before he concentrated chakra into his legs, then directed it to his feet and particularly to the arches of his feet. In a second the two ninjas were no longer visible on the road. Because of their skills they had just moved very quickly in a good way and it would be like that for the rest of the day. Five days of travel compacted into one day in shinobi fashion. Low level, but ninja method nonetheless.

— "Madara-san, now that we're out of the capital," Sakura began, watching Madara's expression for pain. "What do you think of the Daimyô and the council members ?"

— "The Daimyô will honor his commitments, he's a man who has lost a lot to get where he is, and he really wants peace," Madara explained as he jumped from tree to tree. "Rômaji is the one who is most suspicious of me."

— "Why is that ? Sakura asked in surprise.

— "He's old, so he's experienced, and he's seen a lot of coups, rebellions and betrayals. So I can't blame him for being suspicious of me," the dark-haired man argued. "Even though I made a blood seal, he's wary."

— "He would have made an excellent shinobi."

— "Because of his paranoia ? I agree with you one hundred percent Sakura-san, I don't think he'll go behind our backs, he has too much to lose," Madara reflected as he ran through a valley due to the lack of trees. He was putting chakra into his legs this time so as not to damage them from the fast movement.

— "What makes you so confident that he won't betray us ?"

— "He is old, very few people reach his age. I agree, old wolves can still bite, but an old wolf like him is usually loyal to his pack. So he will be loyal to his Daimyô."

— "So if we keep our promises, he'll keep his," Sakura concluded after Madara's argument.

— "That's right, he's a key player for the Daimyô. From what I understand, he seems to have a lot of connections in Ta No Kuni and around the world, even though I'd never heard of him before."

— "Some people are good at not talking about themselves," Sakura said, referring to her and her mother, though technically that was a semi-lie because they didn't exist at that time before her time travel.

— "As for Taisho Nakamura, your threat was perfect to ensure his complete loyalty. Saying that you'll always pay more couldn't have worked better for a man who lives only for money."

Sakura felt a surge of pride that she had had a good idea, but Madara had also complimented her. And this man very rarely gave compliments, especially to a woman.

— "What about Riku Koyabashi ?" Sakura asked as he approached a cliff. Sakura quickened her pace slightly so that she could pick Madara up in her arms, just before she jumped off. It was nearly twenty meters high. She landed after a few seconds of falling below, making a crater on the landing which she easily cushioned with her chakra. She immediately put Madara down and they resumed their journey.

— "Riku already proved his loyalty to the Daimyô when he chose Hashuba during the Muromachi Wars," Madara explained, jumping back onto the branches of a tree and propelling herself. "Then Tsubasa... that's special."

— "Why is that ?"

— "He's just a farmer who's made his mark in business."

— "Do you think he could be a problem ?" Sakura anticipated, knowing that traitors could be found anywhere and especially where they were least expected.

— "I don't know, he's a simple man, but you never really know people," Madara said and he thought of Sakura as he said this. He had spent months with her from morning to night, but she was still a mystery to him. She had a lot of secrets and her past was really hazy.

— "To be watched."

— "As for Daiki... he's a jerk !" Madara said matter-of-factly, she hadn't appreciated the statement he had made towards Sakura. "If he almost risks a diplomatic incident like yesterday, I can't imagine what he might inadvertently do in the future."

— "He is young."

— "Youth has nothing to do with it. You're practically the same age and you've got more gumption than he does, you've even got more balls than that weirdo," Madara said forcefully, not realizing the compliment he'd just paid. "I hope he doesn't think with his trousers on in the future."

Sakura couldn't think of anything to complain about, and she didn't want to either. The hours passed in silence and dusk approached as they finally arrived home.

They both went into the house and Sakura busied herself preparing dinner while Madara lit candles in the main room. He'd gotten his bearings since living in this house.

As Sakura set up her equipment to prepare dinner, Madara came and sat at the center table in the kitchen. He had been in the habit for some time, he enjoyed spending time with the woman so much that he even came to watch her cook.

— "When do you think we'll be able to start real training ?" Madara asked as Sakura put rice in boiling water.

— "Shinobi training ?" Sakura asked to make sure what the dark-haired man was asking.

— "Hai."

— "Did you have any pain on the trip ?" Sakura asked as she peeled off a unsealed fish. God she loved the Fûinjutsu.

— "No, I think you saved me from the only part where I could have hurt myself," Madara replied, remembering the cliff where Sakura had hugged him. Damn, he could hate that feeling of weakness.

— "Probably within a fortnight, I expect to have you doing chakra exercises," Sakura replied and this drew a very slight smile from Madara.

— "Who taught you the Fûinjutsu ?" Madara asked as he saw this woman using it daily. Whether it was for medicine, transportation, even cooking she used it.

— "My mother taught me medical Fûinjutsu, but as for the rest I was alone and self-taught," Sakura admitted with pride. Thanks to her intelligence, she was able to understand Fûinjutsu in a way that few people could boast. Only the Uzumaki or Minato Namikaze would be above her, but only because they were virtuosos. But in time, Sakura knew she would become someone renowned in the art.

— "Are you sure your mother wasn't affiliated with the Uzumaki's for you to have this affinity with Fûinjutsu ?"

Because after all, it is known that Fûinjutsu was like an extension of their body for the Uzumaki.

— "I'm sure it was."

Who was that woman at the end?!