Struggling (3)

Aaron swallowed. "Why are you doing this?" he asked, expecting plans and schemes, something evil, not the pleasing expression he had as he backed away.

"Because it's fun," he said.


"It'll be something poetic, you see. First I'll kill Lucifer, then dear Will and Karen, that little daughter of them too, so everyone you cared will be indeed dead. Just for kicks."

Aaron's whole body went towards him, not caring how his brain ached when he used all the force he had as he tried to break the bonds that tied him. "If you ever do anything to them, I swear—"

Mammon snorted at Aaron's attempts. "Don't worry, doll. You and Lucifer will be dead long before I start with that crappy family."

It was now Aaron's turn to snort. "You can't kill Lucifer."

"Yes, yes." He rolled his eyes. "Only an archangel can kill another. But you knew about this?" Mammon pulled a gun from his waistband, the same gun from his dream. "I present you the gun made by the best exorcist the church produced, doll. The only weapon that can kill everything in Creation." He turned and shot one of the men that stood behind him.

Aaron watched in horror as his eyes turned black before a light shone from where the bullet had touched his skin, it spread around his entire body before he went slack to the floor. Mammon smiled at him. "It can kill your true essence. I just obliterated the demon's true form as well as the soul of the human inside the body."

Aaron felt a gulp forming in his throat, his eyes locked momentarily with the other demon. He was scared too, but he hid it well as he glanced up, gulping before he looked straight at the wall, both hands behind his back.

He turned his head towards Mammon.

"Lucifer won't come for me," he said with determination. Maybe if he prayed to him and told him about the gun─ if he told him about Mammon.

"Of course he will. For some reason, he loves you." Aaron blinked. "Why would he heal you if it wasn't the case?" Mammon shrugged nonchalantly. "I kept changing your pills. It would only take a few days for you to kill yourself, but for some reason, you didn't. And that made me wonder why?" He tapped the barrel of the gun against his chin as in deep thought before his lips twitched upwards. "I realized that whenever the withdrawal started to work in you, Lucifer healed you. You didn't go towards the path I created for you, your will became stronger instead." His grin broadened, white terrifying teeth gleamed in the soft light. "If you had killed yourself the deal would be over, and he would be free, but he didn't. If he was merely fond of you then he wouldn't have done anything so you would be in Hell forever with him." Mammon said the last part while he took a cellphone out of his pocket.

"He doesn't want me to go to Hell," Aaron breathed in realization.

"Exactly," he said, his fingers tapping something on his phone. Aaron was still a little stunned by the time Mammon turned the phone to show him the screen.

"The news?" Aaron asked, but immediately after watching it for a second, he got it. Some reporter was talking about the sudden change in the weather, how the temperature had dropped in some places while it increased in others. Aaron looked in horror when they showed, from a helicopter perspective, the picture of a big, really big hole that formed on Africa, looking as if an explosion had occurred in the middle. Almost all the trees surrounding it were gone, obliterated. Some were covered in frost, others simply burnt. No one knew what was happening.

Lucifer told him he was going to go to Africa to calm himself.


"Has nothing to do with this," the demon said, a strange smile forming on his lips.

Very slowly, he tore his gaze away from the screen to look at him. "Is really Lucifer the one...?"

"Of course. He's not a human, Aaron. He's an archangel." Mammon leaned close, his smile gained a grim hint. "He's one of the most powerful beings in Creation, one of the oldest. He was there when everything was created. Saw from the best chair how the famous Big Bang occurred… So it makes me wonder," he said, moving closer until they were a few breaths away. Aaron turned his head to the side again, trying to get as far as possible from those eyes. "What do you have that makes you special?"

"I don't have anything," Aaron spat when the gun moved near him.

"Oh, I know. You don't have anything that makes you better than the others of your kind." He swallowed when he moved the gun from his cheek to his jaw, trailing the tendon of his neck, and stopping when it reached his pulse, pressing forcibly until a whimper fought its way through his lips. "I have to admit that you are indeed pretty," he spoke pointing each word.

Aaron tried to move but his body didn't answer his demands. It was like being at that crossroads all over again. His breath came raggedly, his throat constricted when the gun kept moving downwards, Mammon following each movement with his eyes. Goosebumps formed on his naked arms and his belly twitched when it slid lower, reaching his crotch.

"You can't get excited for too long because of your pills," he said, and Aaron hissed in pain when he pressed the gun forcibly against his d*ck.

Mammon looked up at him again, smiling widely as he looked at his lips. "But perhaps you're good with your mouth?"

His stomach twirled when he brushed his hair, fingers trailing down their length until they closed in a vice grip. Aaron tried to pull back, but it was a lost fight. The demon didn't even blink at his efforts. Aaron pursed his lips and closed his eyes when he felt Mammon's lips on his, trying to not give them access to his mouth when he bit him hard enough to make him bleed, to resist the bites. He failed.