Lost and found (1)

A glimmering red light greeted him at the end of the hallway he had already been walking for two hours. He would have flown to the end but his wings were too injured. Grace poured from the wounds that had formed by crushing down structures made of brimstone, evaporating the souls that were close to becoming demons, in short, he had spent the entire time of his research destroying everything he found in his course with his appendages, not able to contain his fury every time he didn't find clues about Aaron. The purple paths of bruises that danced over his body as his grace fought to come out were getting annoying and because of his lack of control, he couldn't heal himself.

He knew he didn't have much time left until his vessel exploded, annihilating anything that was close to him─ probably half of the USA and some of the weaker demons, and the worse was that he didn't care about the damage he could cause.

That was why he went to the last place he had left, the place he had promised himself not to return to.

Lucifer breathed even if he didn't need to do it when he finally reached the light, letting the foggy oxygen mixed with sulfur clear his head. The place where the rest of his Jail was, was still the same he remembered, big and empty. The Jail that had secluded him for so long wasn't there anymore, but the bits of his Father's power still lingered thick in the air, making him remember why he had promised to never return. But he didn't know where Aaron was, or even if he was alive and the Jail was well hidden under all Hell; it was a good place to hide someone from him because it was no mystery to anyone how much Lucifer hated that place.

But even knowing that no demons could enter without ending crushed by the purity of the room, he had the knowledge that some of the demon's kin were smart enough to find an entrance. Besides, demons weren't the only ones in Hell, some of his brethren had fallen with him too after all, and he didn't know with whom Mag was working.

- -

Hell shook again when a frustrated growl escaped him. The walls trembled in the silence that seemed to engulf the place since demons had run away to the other corner of Hell, and this because Lucifer didn't find Mag. Hours had passed without finding where Aaron was and he just wanted to extend his wings and fly upstairs to search for him on earth, but Aaron would be disappointed with him if he destroyed a country and he knew that in his state that would take no time to happen.

So without too many options, Lucifer clenched his fists and closed his eyes, trying to extend his senses until he was able to touch that link he hadn't used in years, the one that only archangels knew about. The one where he could pray directly to his Father, without Michael receiving it.

"Father," he spoke softly, barely above a whisper. He didn't need to be loud to be heard. He knew that his grace would guide his words beyond Hell's domain, from this plane to others until they found the right receptor. "If you want to keep punishing me, I'm fine with it. More than fine, actually. Bring everything you have on me, I don't care. But," he breathed out, "if you're using Aaron to teach me a lesson─" he paused, suddenly tired of having felt so many emotions in a couple of hours. Lucifer unclenched his fists as he let himself fall against the wall, allowing it to take the weight of his once bright being.

Since the War started, he had never let anyone look at him as anything but fierce and in control; the resolution that he was right defined all his being because he didn't have any other option. If he hadn't rebelled, if he hadn't acted like that, then no one would have taken his words into an account. The angels would still brush him away as nothing but a fool for claiming that their Father was wrong. That was why talking with his Father was something big for him.

"He hasn't done anything that deserves your attention," he continued. "He's just a normal human, one of your so beloved creations. Just a wounded, inconsequential soul that has no affairs in our battle," he breathed, "and I love him, Father."

The other end of the link remained silent.

"I know you can listen to me, you deadbeat prick," Lucifer sneered. "Don't think I hadn't noticed how it took me so long to realize that Aaron had been captured. If you have had something to do with─" Stopping himself from continuing, he huffed and stood upright once more; shaking his head, he wondered what he was expecting. It was understandable that Michael had tried to talk with their Father. If He hadn't answered his brother's prayers, why would He answer his? He wasn't special anymore, not to his Father at least.

"Lucifer," a voice called him from behind, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Wondering how much had his sister heard, Lucifer looked over his shoulder to greet Raphael. It unnerved him to see her standing above the broken remnants of his Cage, reminding him of the time Michael had come, situating himself on the same spot, to settle their agreement.

"Why are you here?" Lucifer grinned sharply. "You have never come when I was inside that jail, now that I'm free you do?"

"The demons we have found on earth don't know anything," she said ignoring his words. The boredom that lit her features was worse than Michael's patience.

"Well, in Hell she isn't, and I don't think that Mag is in Heaven, right?" Lucifer said condescendingly. "There is only one place left, Raphael."

He tried to encourage her to fight, wanting nothing more but an excuse to battle and settle in something he knew. He wanted to be in control of himself, of somebody, for a moment. To unleash his grace on a fixed point. He wanted to relax, hating to not be in control. He still shuddered remembering those times when everything he could feel was the all-consuming rage that sang through his grace.

When Raphael didn't bite, Lucifer added, "And where is Michael?"

A flicker of emotion finally appeared through her features. "In Heaven," she answered.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "First he makes you play messenger and now you do his favors for him? Not a very good big brother, right?"

"Michael is unwell." Raphael flew until she was a few steps away from him, irritation clear on her face. "He is no Father," she said tightly. "What did you think would happen when you gave him that number of souls for him to bear?" Raphael sneered. "I don't care if you go to earth and destroy everything, but I will appreciate if you refrain yourself from doing so. At least, for Michael's sake."

Lucifer frowned at seeing so many emotions fluttering in her sister's grace. He opened his mouth to say something but felt the familiar tug of someone requesting his presence. He looked at the side trying to concentrate better on the sensation, wanting to know who it was, annoyed at whoever was doing something so insolent, but he felt a great amount of respect in the call, a hint of fear and pain in there too.