A last drink

"I can't believe it's still here," Aaron exclaimed. Lucifer didn't need to peer over his shoulder as he turned to show the bottle at him. Lucifer grabbed it cautiously; his hands remaining clean unlike his as he kept inspecting the object ─Aaron guessed that it had something to do with his angelical nature.

"Well," he started, looking up from the bottle. "This place isn't exactly common. It doesn't surprise me that no one had dug holes at random here."

Aaron huffed, cleaning his sweaty forehead with the back of his palm. "Oh, shut up, smartass."

Lucifer snapped his fingers and Aaron's hands and nails were clean again; there was no longer sweat sticking on his flannel. He glanced at the hole he had made a few minutes ago and saw it covered too, the grass already growing on the place he had spent half an hour digging.

He rolled his eyes. "So I get that you could have easily got the bottle out from under the grit with just a snap of fingers, right?"