A new pet (1)

Lucifer was good at multitasking. In the times when he was one of Heaven's princes, Michael's left hand, he had to follow orders from his older brother, planning what to do next with the other archangels while at the same time giving orders to hundreds of angels. He was used to the chatter of hundreds of siblings in his head, so he was able to process information faster than most, bend possibilities at an unnatural speed to make things work at his liking.

However, he had discovered that this method didn't work when you were dealing with free-willed cognizant beings. Or at least with ones he didn't want to impose his will into.

He had also discovered that when you were able to think in different options at a fast speed but were unable to act upon them, impotence crept into you as nasty and desperate as any human virus would do. From all the emotions Aaron had made him feel, that was probably one of the worst.