
"How are you feeling?" The doctor, who just came back after escorting the wizard outside, asked as soon as he was a few feet behind me.

I could tell because I was watching him through the mirror of Calla's dresser in front me.

"I still feel a little bit dizzy." Even when I'm not. I feel perfectly fine.

Right now, Anette is doing my hair for the sole purpose of having to attend to Calla's etiquette lessons that I have been working so hard to miss for the past three months by faking illnesses.

"I will prescribe the medication for the young lady's dizziness, your personal maid may take it from my office later."

"What about that little wizard? Will I be able to see him again?"

I wonder if he'll come back to perform the spell again just like he said earlier. I'm quite sure that his magic failed since I only saw little bits of Calla's past. On top of that, I was watching the memories unfold like I was in an out-of-body experience rather than reliving her past which was what I expected to happen. Jeez, my head hurts just by thinking about this dilemma.

"That is likely possible, young lady. As I guided him along the hallway, he kept muttering to himself how unbelievable it was that he failed at his spell of expertise. He is a stubborn one, yet undeniably he is a prodigy of the magical arts."

With that, I can only imagine how ridiculous he looked like with the black robe he was wearing that was still five years too long for him. Come to think of it, I wasn't able to see his face clearly because of the robe's hood that was also too big for him as it covered most of his face. Still, I was able to tell that his dark hair fell straightly to his shoulders.

"Then I shall take my leave. Please excuse me, young lady." I was so lost in thought that I forgot that the doctor was still here.

After the doctor left the room, I attempted to ask Anette to skip another lesson which I've been deeming hopeless and worthless.

"Hey." I called out to Anette who was finishing up the braids on my hair, to be more precise, Calla's hair.

"Y-yes! I-Is there a problem, young lady?" 

She flinched even when I just called out to her? It's been months since I woke up to this world as Calla but I never fail to notice how jumpy she is even when I merely call her name. Just how nervous can she be?

"Can we just move the schedule for the lessons to another time? I don't feel like doing it today." It was true, though. Also, I wanted more time to think about what I experienced while under that midget's spell.

"I'm afraid we cannot do that, young lady, the duke has insisted that you must not miss any more of your lessons, especially since your tutors are among the prominent nobles in the empire."

Somehow, I ended up agreeing. Countess Elizabeth, who has been teaching Calla etiquette lessons was renowned for her perfect table manners, especially for how she handles tea parties. I don't deny that I feel bad not meeting the people who came to teach me things that might be useful in the future.

"Very well, then." I sighed as I accepted the fact that I can't keep running away from these people forever. I'll be living as Calla now so I have to move forward. There's no use hiding from reality anyway.

I've only ever showed up once to Countess Elizabeth during these past three months. After telling her that I "lost my memories", we went back to, as she called it- "the basics of the basics". I instantly regretted showing up. In just one day, I've lost count on how many tea cups fell and broke just because I couldn't raise my pinky finger to a perfect angle. No matter how she hits my lower back with a fan, I still end up having the worst posture. When I got confused with what the correct type of fork is used for a specific type of steak, she finally snapped at me.

"You have become no better than a commoner."

I mean, who would want to show up again after that? Maybe she expected that everything Calla learned will just come out like natural instinct even when she loses her memories. But news flash, I am not Calla. I am Mai, and I've always been what you call "a commoner" all my life.

Because of the sudden thought, a memory from the distant past came to mind.

"You're much worse than a rat! You can't even do such a simple thing? Why do you even bother living?! I shouldn't have picked you up like the dirt you are!"

The smell of cheap alcohol lingers in the house just right about ten o'clock every single night.

My drunkard father got mad because I failed at my task to prepare food for him before he comes home from gambling all day.

He's unemployed and he takes the money from the flower shop to spend it for all on his vices.

I wanted to talk back and say that I didn't forget to cook for him, that his stupid son was the one who ate the food I prepared. But instead I just kept my head low and it felt much worse than a dog that got scolded for chewing his master's slippers.

"Young lady, we've arrived at the guest room."

My pitiful reminiscing was interrupted by Anette. I realized that I got lost in thought while she was accompanying me to my lessons. We were standing just right before the door to the guest room where Countess Elizabeth was waiting.

Since I still haven't memorized every corner and passage in this mansion, I make sure Anette comes with me whenever I go out of the room to take the lessons — at least, for the ones I failed to escape from.

"Oh, you're right. Thank you for guiding me here."

For a second her eyes grew wide. Or was I just seeing things?

"Th-then I will go now, young lady. Goodluck on your lessons." She smiled but only faintly, and finally left me standing in front of the door.

I took a deep breath as I reached out for the fancy door knob.

"So you've finally decided to stop wasting your time idling in your bedroom."

Countess Elizabeth spoke as soon as I took a step inside the guest room. She was just as intimidating as ever, with her blonde hair tied into a tight bun and her thin eyebrows that seemed like they were always connected. Just like the first time I met her, she was wearing a fit dark-colored gown which hugged her body features. How can a slim woman be this scary?

"I apologize for making the countess wait, due to my never-ending carelessness I got sick and was always told to stay in bed." I grabbed the ends of my dress and bowed as a sign of respect.

"May the goddess have mercy! Your curtsy was bad even before you hit your head, but now you've gotten much worse! Tsk, come here and I will show you how it's done."


Two hours had passed and the countess decided to stop for the day. I managed to get through the lessons only breaking about twenty teacups and only obtaining light bruises on my lower back. I was standing to see her off since she was about to leave the guest room, when she spoke.

"I noticed that the young lady is beginning to show a bit of enthusiasm in my lessons."

"Yes Countess, I've reflected upon myself and I realized that I treated the countess' lessons lightly. It will never happen again so please forgive me." I bowed to show my sincerity.

"It is fine, let us leave that to the past. I also apologize for being too hard on the young lady last time." The countess said softly whilst still holding the door knob. The expression on her face became more gentle as she uttered her next words.

"It's just that the situation of the East has been getting to me lately." She smiled gently yet I could tell that she was not happy at all.

I was not able to respond quickly since I was a little confused by what she meant. Could she be talking about the current condition of the East region? She probably noticed that I was puzzled so she spoke again.

"Oh- forget what I said, young lady. I say things that make no sense sometimes." She made a little laugh at the end of her sentence. Even how she laughs is so graceful.

"Countess, your laugh is very pretty."

Wait, what? I just spoke without thinking! She won't think I'm being outright weird, right?! Judging by her reaction, she was clearly taken aback from my sudden strange compliment.

"I-I mean, I don't mean anything else! It's just that... just.." gods, I can't think of an excuse!

While I was frantically looking for excuses on my head, the countess let out a small laugh again.

"It is not wrong to compliment someone, young lady Calla. Also, please call me by my name." What's this? The dark aura she gave off before have already disappeared!

"O-okay, Lady Elizabeth. Th-then please call me Mai- I mean Calla, please call me Calla too." I was getting shy for some reason so I lowered my gaze to my feet.

"Alright, I have an idea. I would like to invite you to have tea with me at my residence tomorrow morning." Lady Elizabeth smiled brightly at me.

I was distracted by her smile that I eventually nodded unconsciously without realizing the dangers that this body will face as soon as I take even one step out of this mansion.

"I will be expecting you to come, Calla."