To the city

Calla's POV

I looked away from the devastating view. As each second went by, silence reigned Lady Elizabeth's office. Yet I didn't notice that I've been quiet for a long time. My thoughts were a mess.

"Even so, I never expected for you to wrap yourself up with bandages." I turned to the countess who was still standing beside me. But she was still gazing beyond the city.

"You told me to go out, what else could I have done?" I replied casually.

"I'll never know, Calla. I guess I did not think about that matter. You could say I was being desperate."

"Desperate enough to not care about whether I'd die or not?" I blurted out.

"But you didn't." The countess cracked a resounding smile.

"Why did you bet on that faith that much? You barely even know me."

"That may be so. But these past few days, I have noticed a change in the young lady's attitude."

How does she know that? We only met twice. But that's a given, anyone would be shocked as to why the young lady hasn't been acting wildly like she used to. I've already expected someone to point out the changes but I didn't know it would be her. She was someone I do not meet often.

"Did I....really change?" I only asked to avoid suspicion.

"That time, when we first met after you lost your memories from the fall, you were behaving so strangely. In the past, whenever I scold you, you would always fight back and throw any object near you towards me. But now, you would not speak a word and only lowered your head."

I didn't know what to reply so I stood soundless. Still, the countess resumed.

"And that's not all, every time I come to your mansion, whether for your lessons or official business with your father, I haven't heard of your ear-piercing shrieks whenever you dislike something or glass windows breaking whenever you jump off from the second floor. I am aware that you lost your memories, but Calla, you seem like... you're like another person."

This is bad, she's too perceptive. I'll be found out if I don't think of an excuse.

"Isn't that only normal? After all, I'm thirteen now. I will not be acting like a brat forever." 

"So, shouldn't you do something about the situation your people are in? You have grown up now, am I correct?"

This again? How come we came back to this topic? Even so, should I really be avoiding this problem forever?

But before I was able to reply, Lady Elizabeth spoke.

"Oh dear, would you look at the time. I have kept you long enough, haven't I?"

"H-huh?.....oh, yes. I suppose I should go back." What is she talking about? It's barely past noon.

"Forgive me, Calla. I will not be able to escort you outside since I will be inspecting the villages with my husband today. Is that alright?"

So she was very busy yet she still made time to talk to me. I suppose I should be grateful. This meeting made me think about a lot of things.

"It's fine. I should be the one to thank you, Lady Elizabeth. Well then, I shall bid farewell." I bowed before turning away.

"I thank you too, Calla."


As I was about to step into the carriage, I thought of an idea. It was still too early to be going back home. I stepped back from the carriage and turned to my personal maid behind me.

"Let's not go home yet."

"Wh-what... what do you mean, young lady?"

"We will take some time to stroll around the city. Then, we will also walk back to the mansion. It is not that far from here, anyway."

Anette's face was frozen in horror from my remarks.

"B-but, your father might find out about your absence-"

"Oh quit it, he won't know, so relax. I'll only take a look. Plus, I'm wearing this cloak you gave me. No one will recognize me."

I already started to walk ahead so she had no choice but to follow me. Only after informing the coachman to go home first, of course.

"Y-young lady, is this really alright? I'm wearing my maid's uniform right now so-"

"Don't worry about it. They will only think that you're escorting someone else from another noble family."

After realizing that I was serious about planning to walk back home, Anette stopped bickering her worries.

As we walked around the city streets, I recalled a memory from my past life. Even though they call this a city, this place was just like the slums back in my country. Everything was just like in black and white filter. Gray and faded, except for the dying roses in every color which gave off dark hues.

Because I was busy looking at the run-down buildings and structures, I failed to notice that there was a child running towards my direction. Obviously, we bumped into each other.

"Ah!" The little girl screamed as her lower back landed harshly from the impact. She was so light that I wasn't even affected.

"Are you alright?" I crouched and offered my hand to help her get up, it was my fault for not looking, after all.

"Yes..." she held my hand and finally stood up. But when she looked up to me- oh no! I totally forgot about the bandages! She'll definitely be scared and run off, and then it will attract attention! I froze not knowing what to do.

"Missy you're strange." She chuckled and smiled brightly.

What? Thank goodness, that frightened me! I only smiled back at her. Still, I saw that she was only wearing unclean rags and her face was soiled with dirt. My heart ached.

The little girl was about to run along again, but I called out to her.

"Hey, wait."

"Huh, what is it missy?" She looked up to me with a curious look.

"Anette, give me the cookies that Lady Elizabeth's maid gave you earlier as a souvenir."

As if used to my strange behaviors, Anette just handed the bag of cookies to me without question. Still, the look of concern remained on her face.

"Here you go, little girl." I offered the cookies to the child who slightly tilted her head out of curiosity. I tried to smile gently so that I won't scare her off.

Upon realizing that it was food, the girl's eyes was immediately filled with sparkles. She quickly grabbed the bag of cookies from my hand and jumped with happiness.

"Thank you strange missy!" I was careful to look around to see if we were gaining attention. There were only a few people around but they didn't seem to care and just kept minding their own business.

"Run along now, be careful."

The little girl eventually waved goodbye. I was silently waving back when...I felt a presence beside me.

"Hmmm, how strange. The witch is giving food to a helpless little girl."

What? Who in the world? I quickly turned to the person who suddenly appeared. There, I found a grinning boy about my age-wait a minute, I recognize that flashy robe and that overconfident posture. 

"Huh, would you look at that. I didn't expect to see a midget here." This time, I was able to see his face much more clearly since he let his hood down. I say, he's pretty cute with those slightly slitted eyes, small face, straight shoulder-length hair- wait. Why is his hair like that? It's colored blue, dark blue- to be more precise.

"What's with that get up? You look stupid. Hey, did you know? Bandages are so last season." He laughed and crossed his arms as if making fun of me. Oh, he's really asking for it.

"You look even more stupid with that blue hair. What? How many dyes did it take to color your hair like that?" I crossed my arms, imitating him.

"Stupid witch, this is my natural hair color! You're the one who looks like you've drunk a barrel of white dye with that freakish hair of yours."

How dare he?!

"Y-you..." No, this was not the time to lose all rationality. Just because of a midget? I am much more older so I have to calm down. Think like a proper adult.

I exhaled, closed my eyes and eventually turned away. I am not here to argue with a child.

"Let us go Anette, unlike other people I do not have the luxury to get into childish fights."

I took a step forward and opened my eyes but someone had appeared in front of me.

"What childish fights?"

What? When did he? The midget was already in front of me wearing his usual smug smile. I looked back to the place where he stood earlier and confirmed that it was pretty far from where he was now. How did he get here so quickly?

Oh, I forgot. He's a wizard so he probably did some magic. Whatever.

"Out of my way, midget."


Ugh! How annoying.

"As you can see, I am pretty busy."

"With what? Witchcraft?" He beamed.

"Yes! So hurry and go away before I hex you into a frog!" I said as I shooed him away.

"Nice try but witches can't win over wizards."

"I don't care!" This time, I walked past him and hit his shoulder with mine while doing so. I would commonly do this when I have fights with my cursed brother who was now living lavishly in another world.

"Hey, that hurt!" I ignored him.

Still, he didn't leave me alone and walked beside me. I walked faster to try to get rid of him but he only matched my pace.

"Stop following m-"

It was then. *BOOM* An explosion rang out that made the ground tremble slightly. *BOOM* Followed another one. *BOOM* A third. Then silence. The time seemed to have stopped. What's happening? I could tell that the explosions were quite far from were we stood but it felt just as scary. Could it be a terrorist attack? Should I go and take a look?

"Y-young lady! Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" Anette hurriedly ran to me the moment she recovered.

I didn't answer her. I was busy observing the young wizard in beside me who was frozen solid, wide-eyed. What's wrong with him? He was so energetic until earlier. Did he wet his pants or something?

"It's them." He mumbled.