
I put on a soft pink dress with long sleeves to appear presentable enough, even though this is just a dinner with my father for the first time after only ten years. While I sit in front of the dresser, Anette does a normal braid for my hair.

We both turn to the knock on the door.

"Young lady, this is Karl, the duke is already waiting for you in the dining hall." It was the butler, already urging us to get done with it.

"Yes, I'll come in a minute." I tell him.

"Thanks Anette, I guess I'll have to get going now." I say as I look at her through the mirror.

She does not answer for a while. Then she smiles.

"Though I am pleased that the young lady has learned to say those words, I still seem to can't get used to it." Anette says as she puts the comb and accessories back in place.

Does she mean that thanking her was strange? Is that why she looks so perplexed every time I thank her? I thought she was just jumpy.

"Just a change of pace." I tell her and finally stand up, heading towards the door.


I still needed Anette to guide me to the dining hall as I was still not used to this large mansion and all its twists and turns. I didn't need to cover myself with bandages since the mansion did not have a single rose placed inside for the safety and well-being of the young lady. The roses were located in the garden far from the main house. I plan to visit there when I have the time — that is, if they allow me to.

We stop in front of a large wooden door with intricate designs. The butler, Karl, was standing there, waiting for us.

"You may now come inside, young lady." He opens the door as he motioned me to enter.

I walk inside and see the duke sitting at the end of a very long crystalline table. Above hangs an enormous chandelier of different colored gems and diamonds. Though, I wonder why such a fancy table is needed for only two people. Once I've seated on the chair opposite of him, the servants had already set down the plates and dishes. I realize I'm still not quite used to people attending to my every need.

I stare at the extravagant heaps of food that was still unfamiliar to me, even when they serve these to my room for the past months three times a day. I could only make out the large roasted turkey placed at the center.

I look at the duke who was still silent, his dark hair as well-kept as ever and his expression solemn. He must've noticed me drooling over the food so I composed myself and coughed slightly. I just hope the two meetings I had with Lady Elizabeth will be enough to save me from embarrassing myself.

"Did you have something to tell me, father?" I ask to break the silence. The servants were already done serving the food, leaving the two of us in a spacious hall — resulting to an awfully quiet atmosphere.

"I will save that for later. For now, we must eat." He says in an astonishingly gentle tone as he picks up the spoon and fork. I too, do the same.

In the midst of the quiet eating, he finally says something. Though, it wasn't something I was expecting for.

"I admit, I was apalled to hear the news that you've done such an extraordinary display in the city." He says without looking at me, he only continues to slice the piece of steak on his plate. "But I was more surprised to know that you had the courage to step outside."

I couldn't help but flinch at his words. I remember from the memory I saw that he was the one who suggested to the owner of this body not to go out. Still, he continues to talk.

"Nevertheless, you are my daughter and I have always known you were very special. If our beloved goddess has decided to give you such unique prowess that sets above any other descendant out there, then know that I will always have your back, Calla." He says smoothly.

So you're trying to be the good parent now?

"We don't know that yet, father. The council and the temple has yet to send word." I answer him in a calm tone — in contrast to the irritation that is swelling up inside me.

"Well, whatever the result may be, I am glad that you've finally decided to step out and help our people." He says.

"It was all thanks to Lady Elizabeth, she's the one who suggested the idea." I answer. Though I did not really oppose the notion, I just lacked the confidence.

"Is that so?" He says in a manner that made me doubt whether it was a question or not. "Still, if you need anything just come to me."

Many months ago, the owner of this body would have been happy to hear that.

"Yes, father, I will do so."

He rings a tiny bell and the servants come in bringing desserts.

Various sweet pastries are laid out on the table. From cupcakes and macaroons to strawberry and chocolate cheesecakes. My sweet tooth is tingling with excitement. I do not wait for the servants to go away as I immediately take a piece of blue-colored macaroon and put it in my mouth, the flavor dances so blissfully on my tongue.

In the midst of enjoying the dessert, I notice the man in front of me become more stern than before. Then he speaks.

"Calla." He begins. "I've decided to send you to the Royal Academy for nobles."

With that, the half-eaten macaroon on my hand drops on the plate. So this is what he wanted to say, after all.

"You do know that going there would harm me, right?" I ask him earnestly.

"I am aware. But Calla, our land is changing. We, too, must change our ways, we should stop pulling back. I know that it is dangerous to send you there — in a place that also has the things you're severely allergic to. I too worry about that fact. Yet if we want the betterment of the Eastern region, we must risk again, just as you did six days ago." His gaze tells me how serious he is with this matter.

"Why now? I am perfectly fine having my education here with my personal tutors." I protested."Is it because I'm always purposely missing them? Don't worry father, I've decided to attend to them starting now."

If only my tutors were not so busy due to the sudden changes of the East, then I would normally have my lessons now.

"No, it is not because of that. The reason is that you can only find the connections we need there at the academy. To fully rebuild our foundation, as the young lady of the dukedom, you must also do your part and attain the necessary connections we need. To associate, mingle, build relationships and participate in social circles within the nobility."

I admit, he has a point. We would certainly have a great advantage if I were to fulfill those roles.

"I'll think about it." I say, trying my best to make my voice steady.

"Worry not, my daughter. You will have all the time you need. It is only until next year. I'll have you enrolled as a second-year student." He tells me.

As if that comforts me enough, I am mostly against it. But if I do it for the Eastern region then that would be a different matter.