At the palace

Travelling through the Teleportation Shard did not feel different as teleporting through Lavi's magic at all. The usual white light that invades your sense of sight was present, as expected.

I was brought directly in front of the royal palace's huge doors that seemed to shimmer as it basked upon the morning sun. Side by side hung the empire's red banners printed with the white outlines of a sunflower that rested between two cascading mountains—the landforms that surrounded the Southern Region.

Surprisingly, there was only a single knight posted beside the large doors. And he was asleep, with his hands crossed as he leaned on the wall for support. I envy his sense of peace.

I decide to wake him up. How else would I be able to enter if I will not?

"Excuse me...?"

The knight's eyes immediately shoots up, resulting them to become as wide as a ricefield. While blinking several times, it looked like he did not expect himself to fall asleep either. But as soon as his gaze landed on me, he instantly jumped. The slight squeal he let out did not escape my ears as well.

I don't blame him though, anyone would be shocked to see this get-up.

Seeming to realize the situation, he clears his throat and composes himself. "A-ah... young lady, what service might I offer you?"

I handed him the letter the high priest sent me before speaking. "I was told to show this to one of the guards."

"Oh, I see now... uhm young lady Calla of House Rosa, right? You're the one who's supposed to meet with both the council and the high priests." He hands the letter back to me with a look of sympathy printed on his face. "Well then, I wish you the best of luck, young lady. Just turn right after you pass the crossing halls. The second room by the left is where the meeting should take place."

Luck? Why would I need that when I am just to meet several people?

"Thank you very much." I curtsied before entering the palace doors that the knight had now pushed open.

Before walking too far, I catch him mutter a few words. "Strange girl... poor girl."


I walk the seemingly endless halls of the palace but I still haven't arrived at the place where the halls were supposed to cross. While anxiously feeling the Teleportation Shard that would take me back home in my pocket, I stare at the lavish interior of the royal palace. At this point, the Rosa Mansion would only be a single room here, seeing as every corner's just full of pure gold and diamonds.

"Well, well, look who it is. Didn't expect that I'd see you here."

I stopped walking and turned to the owner of the voice. My hunch was right, as I saw the familiar pitch-black of a hair that was paired with a very lively face.

"Your highness" I bowed to the prince who just came out from a room just inches beside my left.

He looked every bit of a royal in his black trousers and navy blue tunic which was embroidered with silver silk threads.

Prince Erion closed the door behind him as the grin on his face turned into a playful scowl. "I already told you to call me Erion. Goddess, why is this girl so thick-headed?"

"Well, is it not only appropriate? You are a prince after all."

"Come on, I hate titles, you know? Spare me the formalities, 'young lady Calla of the Eastern Region, only daughter and sole heir of House Rosa'." He beams sheepishly as he puts both of his hands on his waist. "Hear that? Didn't it just make you uncomfortable?"

Seriously, this guy is impossible. Well, it sounded odd and it didn't feel right to hear—but for a whole other reason.

"Fair enough." I just shrug, doing my best to suppress a smile.

"So, where are you heading to?"

"I was supposed to meet with the council and the high priests but... I think I... might be lost." I was not able to keep a sigh from escaping. My legs already ached from the march along the halls.

"Oh, you should've told me earlier. 'Cause I think I know the place." He grabs my wrist and drags me back to the direction where I just came from. "Come with me."

"You... think?" I asked as I allow him to pull me through the turns I previously took.

"Sort of?... I guess." Then he chuckles like a madman. What's with him? I take back what I said earlier, he doesn't act like a royal at all.

Along the way, Erion would flash his most princely smile to every lord and lady of the court, and they actually looked somewhat happy to see him—like their eyes had been cleansed by holy light. But as their gazes turn to me, their expression gradually changes into a mix of pity, curiosity and malice. I saw how the ladies narrowed their eyes at me as they covered their lower faces with those expensive-looking fans.

"Oh dear, what is up with that girl?"

"Didn't you hear? Duke Rosa's daughter apparently started going out already. She's 'that' girl."

"Goodness, I just remembered. 'That' girl is allergic to flowers, is she not?"

"Such a poor thing, to cover herself up with bandages."

"Thankfully, our Second Prince Erion doesn't choose his friends, right ladies? He should definitely have been Crown Prince, unlike the 'other one'."

"By the goddess Khloris! I'd rather not talk about 'that' prince, what a great way to ruin the day."

I can't quite follow what they're talking about but they should've made an effort to look less obvious. Still, I had hoped that the common people back home also knew about my condition, not just these shiny nobles. And what was that? Erion is actually a second prince? Then who's the first prince? And why am I curious?

"Welcome to the royal court." Erion muttered as we stopped in front of a wooden door. "Lucky you to not be here all your life."

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Forget I ever said that." A smile forms its way into his mouth, making his pearl white teeth rather visible. Yet I think it wasn't the usual one. Or maybe I'm just seeing things.

I realized that he was still holding my hand.

"Uhmm... my hand... you can let them go now."

As soon as he realized it, he instantly let go as if my skin was lava. His hand went directy to his nape.

"Sorry about that. I might have gotten carried away... again."

"Don't worry, it's fine." I turn to the seemingly noisy room beyond the doors in front of us. It looked like the people inside were arguing. "Anyway, this is the place, right? Thank you for bringing me here your high-... Erion."

"Want me to open the doors for you?"

"I'll help myself, thanks."

Erion pressed his lips into a gentle smile.

"I'd rather not let those people see me, anyways." He turns around and waves his hand without looking back. "See you around, Calla."

I'll never understand some of the words he says. But whatever, maybe someday I will. Not that I'm expecting to anyway.

"Right... see you around."

I'd wanted to open up the case about the other day but it wasn't the time for that. I clenched my hand, took in a good breath and steeled myself for what awaited me as I started to knock on the door.

No one answered. I raised my hand to knock again but the door already flew open. What greeted me was the wave of ear-piercing voices that talked over each other, and the familiar face of the brown-skinned priest. From a rather stressful aura, his eyes seemed to twinkle as soon as he realized who I was.

"Young lady Calla! I am very much glad to see you. Please, come inside. We have been waiting."

He made his voice louder than what had been necesarry, but it might have worked since the noise gradually faded into nothingness.

As soon as I stepped inside, I saw two long tables pressed to face each other. I could aready tell that the high priests on their temple robes were the ones who occupied the left side, while the Elder Council with their lavish tunics and gowns sat on the right. There were five of them on each side, including High Priest Marcus who guided me to my seat at the... center?

This is much more uncomfortable than I'd expected. But I don't have a choice. I willed myself to calm down and do the most elegant curtsy that I could ever execute. I raised my head to a disapproving look from one of the two women in the Elder Council.

I realized that Gabriel was the one seated on my right along with the other membes of the concil, while Marcus sat on my left, beside the other high priests. Finally, I took my seat and faced all of them.

"Alright everyone, shall we start?"